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2022/1/2 13:00:52 java 字数 5098 阅读 754 来源 https://www.iteye.com/blogs/category/architecture

微服务之API网关:Kong Kong 是在客户端和(微)服务间转发API通信的API网关,通过插件扩展功能。Kong 有两个主要组件: 1、Kong Server :基于nginx的服务器,用来接收 API 请求。 2、Apache Cassandra:用来存储操作数据。 ? 你可以通过增加更多 Kong Server 机器对 Kong 服务进行水平扩展,通过前置的负载均衡器向这些机器分发请求。根据文档描述,两 ... gaojingsong


Kong 是在客户端和(微)服务间转发API通信的API网关,通过插件扩展功能。Kong 有两个主要组件:

1、Kong Server :基于nginx的服务器,用来接收 API 请求。

2、Apache Cassandra:用来存储操作数据。


你可以通过增加更多 Kong Server 机器对 Kong 服务进行水平扩展,通过前置的负载均衡器向这些机器分发请求。根据文档描述,两个Cassandra节点就足以支撑绝大多数情况,但如果网络非常拥挤,可以考虑适当增加更多节点。


对于开源社区来说,Kong 中最诱人的一个特性是可以通过插件扩展已有功能,这些插件在 API 请求响应循环的生命周期中被执行。插件使用 Lua 编写,而且Kong还有如下几个基础功能:HTTP 基本认证、密钥认证、CORS( Cross-origin Resource Sharing,跨域资源共享)、TCP、UDP、文件日志、API 请求限流、请求转发以及 nginx 监控。


Kong Gateway

The world’s most popular open source API gateway. Built for multi-cloud and hybrid, optimized for microservices and distributed architectures.


kong在openresty基础上进行的开发,而openresty基于nginx,所以kong的很多概念和用法都是nginx特色,包括对功能进行描述的词汇,比如upstream services就是nginx设定的upstream。kong很好地封装了nginx,并对外提供了如下的功能接口:

- 云原生:具有平台无关性,kong即可以运行在物理设备也可以运行在kubernetes上

- 动态负载均衡:在多个upstream services基础上进行负载均衡设定

- 基于hash的负载均衡:基于hashing/sticky session的负载均衡

- 断路器:能追踪不健康的upstream services

- 健康检测:对upstream services进行主动或者被动地监控

- 服务发现:可结合consul提供服务注册等功能

- WebSockets:通过WebSockets和upstream service进行通信

- OAuth2.0:可对API方便地添加OAuth2.0进行授权

- 日志:通过HTTP/TCP/UDP等方式进行日志相关操作

- 安全:ACL,机器人检测,黑白名单IP等

- 系统日志:日志可输入到系统日志中

- 监控:提供实时监控功能

- 认证:HMAC/JWT以及基本认证方式

- 限流(Rate-Limiting):基于多变量对请求进行阻塞或者限制

- 转换:对TTP请求和相应进行添加/删除/操纵等操作

- 缓存:在代理层进行缓存和响应处理

- CLI:通过命令行对kong的集群进行控制

- REST API:可灵活地通过RESTful API对kong进行操作

- 失败检测与恢复:Cassandra某一节点停止也不会影响kong的功能

- 集群:所有的kong节点都能自动加入集群,并保证配置在整个节点间得到更新

- 可扩展性:kong可以通过添加节点很容易地实现横向扩展

- 性能:使用nginx作为内核,kong具有nginx的高性能

- plugin:可以对kong和API进行扩展


  • Cloud-Native: Platform agnostic, Kong can run from bare metal to Kubernetes.
  • Dynamic Load Balancing: Load balance traffic across multiple upstream services.
  • Hash-based Load Balancing: Load balance with consistent hashing/sticky sessions.
  • Circuit-Breaker: Intelligent tracking of unhealthy upstream services.
  • Health Checks: Active and passive monitoring of your upstream services.
  • Service Discovery: Resolve SRV records in third-party DNS resolvers like Consul.
  • Serverless: Invoke and secure AWS Lambda or OpenWhisk functions directly from Kong.
  • WebSockets: Communicate to your upstream services via WebSockets.
  • gRPC: Communicate to your gRPC services and observe your traffic with logging and observability plugins
  • OAuth2.0: Easily add OAuth2.0 authentication to your APIs.
  • Logging: Log requests and responses to your system over HTTP, TCP, UDP, or to disk.
  • Security: ACL, Bot detection, whitelist/blacklist IPs, etc...
  • Syslog: Logging to System log.
  • SSL: Setup a Specific SSL Certificate for an underlying service or API.
  • Monitoring: Live monitoring provides key load and performance server metrics.
  • Forward Proxy: Make Kong connect to intermediary transparent HTTP proxies.
  • Authentications: HMAC, JWT, Basic, and more.
  • Rate-limiting: Block and throttle requests based on many variables.
  • Transformations: Add, remove, or manipulate HTTP requests and responses.
  • Caching: Cache and serve responses at the proxy layer.
  • CLI: Control your Kong cluster from the command line.
  • REST API: Kong can be operated with its RESTful API for maximum flexibility.
  • Geo-Replicated: Configs are always up-to-date across different regions.
  • Failure Detection & Recovery: Kong is unaffected if one of your Cassandra nodes goes down.
  • Clustering: All Kong nodes auto-join the cluster keeping their config updated across nodes.
  • Scalability: Distributed by nature, Kong scales horizontally by simply adding nodes.
  • Performance: Kong handles load with ease by scaling and using NGINX at the core.
  • Plugins: Extendable architecture for adding functionality to Kong and APIs.


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