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【笔记】 用__all__定义全局变量,即所有可以生成的图 itertools.permutations(range(n),2):返回n个数中任意取2个元素做排列的元组的迭代器









#    Dan Schult 
#    Pieter Swart 
#    All rights reserved.
#    BSD license.
Generators for random graphs.



from future import division
import itertools
import math
import random

import networkx as nx
from .classic import empty_graph,path_graph,complete_graph
from .degree_seq import degree_sequence_tree
from collections import defaultdict

all = ['fast_gnp_random_graph','gnp_random_graph','dense_gnm_random_graph','gnm_random_graph','erdos_renyi_graph','binomial_graph','newman_watts_strogatz_graph','watts_strogatz_graph','connected_watts_strogatz_graph','random_regular_graph','barabasi_albert_graph','extended_barabasi_albert_graph','powerlaw_cluster_graph','random_lobster','random_shell_graph','random_powerlaw_tree','random_powerlaw_tree_sequence','random_kernel_graph']


Some Famous Random Graphs


def fast_gnp_randomgraph(n,p,seed=None,directed=False):
"""Returns a $G
{n,p}$ random graph,also kNown as an Erd?s-Rényi graph or
a binomial graph.

n : int
    The number of nodes.
p : float
    Probability for edge creation.
seed : int,optional
    Seed for random number generator (default=None).
directed : bool,optional (default=False)
    If True,this function returns a directed graph.

The $G_{n,p}$ graph algorithm chooses each of the $[n (n - 1)] / 2$
(undirected) or $n (n - 1)$ (directed) possible edges with probability $p$.

This algorithm [1]_ runs in $O(n + m)$ time,where `m` is the expected number of
edges,which equals $p n (n - 1) / 2$. This should be faster than
:func:`gnp_random_graph` when $p$ is small and the expected number of edges
is small (that is,the graph is sparse).

See Also

.. [1] Vladimir Batagelj and Ulrik Brandes,"Efficient generation of large random networks",Phys. Rev. E,71,036113,2005.
G = empty_graph(n)

if seed is not None:

if p <= 0 or p >= 1:
    return nx.gnp_random_graph(n,directed=directed)

w = -1
lp = math.log(1.0 - p)

if directed:
    G = nx.DiGraph(G)
    # Nodes in graph are from 0,n-1 (start with v as the first node index).
    v = 0
    while v < n:
        lr = math.log(1.0 - random.random())
        w = w + 1 + int(lr / lp)
        if v == w:  # avoid self loops
            w = w + 1
        while v < n <= w:
            w = w - n
            v = v + 1
            if v == w:  # avoid self loops
                w = w + 1
        if v < n:
    # Nodes in graph are from 0,n-1 (start with v as the second node index).
    v = 1
    while v < n:
        lr = math.log(1.0 - random.random())
        w = w + 1 + int(lr / lp)
        while w >= v and v < n:
            w = w - v
            v = v + 1
        if v < n:
return G

def gnp_random_graph(n,also kNown as an Erd?s-Rényi graph
or a binomial graph.

The $G_{n,p}$ model chooses each of the possible edges with probability $p$.

The functions :func:`binomial_graph` and :func:`erdos_renyi_graph` are
aliases of this function.

n : int
    The number of nodes.
p : float
    Probability for edge creation.
seed : int,this function returns a directed graph.

See Also

This algorithm [2]_ runs in $O(n^2)$ time.  For sparse graphs (that is,for
small values of $p$),:func:`fast_gnp_random_graph` is a faster algorithm.

.. [1] P. Erd?s and A. Rényi,On Random Graphs,Publ. Math. 6,290 (1959).
.. [2] E. N. Gilbert,Random Graphs,Ann. Math. Stat.,30,1141 (1959).
if directed:
    G = nx.DiGraph()
    G = nx.Graph()
if p <= 0:
    return G
if p >= 1:
    return complete_graph(n,create_using=G)

if seed is not None:

if G.is_directed():
    edges = itertools.permutations(range(n),2)
    edges = itertools.combinations(range(n),2)

for e in edges:
    if random.random() < p:
return G

add some aliases to common names

binomial_graph = gnp_random_graph
erdos_renyi_graph = gnp_random_graph

def dense_gnm_randomgraph(n,m,seed=None):
"""Returns a $G
{n,m}$ random graph.

In the $G_{n,m}$ model,a graph is chosen uniformly at random from the set
of all graphs with $n$ nodes and $m$ edges.

This algorithm should be faster than :func:`gnm_random_graph` for dense

n : int
    The number of nodes.
m : int
    The number of edges.
seed : int,optional
    Seed for random number generator (default=None).

See Also

Algorithm by Keith M. Briggs Mar 31,2006.
Inspired by Knuth's Algorithm S (Selection sampling technique),in section 3.4.2 of [1]_.

.. [1] Donald E. Knuth,The Art of Computer Programming,Volume 2/Seminumerical algorithms,Third Edition,Addison-Wesley,1997.
mmax = n * (n - 1) / 2
if m >= mmax:
    G = complete_graph(n)
    G = empty_graph(n)

if n == 1 or m >= mmax:
    return G

if seed is not None:

u = 0
v = 1
t = 0
k = 0
while True:
    if random.randrange(mmax - t) < m - k:
        k += 1
        if k == m:
            return G
    t += 1
    v += 1
    if v == n:  # go to next row of adjacency matrix
        u += 1
        v = u + 1

def gnm_random_graph(n,a graph is chosen uniformly at random from the set
of all graphs with $n$ nodes and $m$ edges.

This algorithm should be faster than :func:`dense_gnm_random_graph` for
sparse graphs.

n : int
    The number of nodes.
m : int
    The number of edges.
seed : int,optional (default=False)
    If True return a directed graph

See also

if directed:
    G = nx.DiGraph()
    G = nx.Graph()

if seed is not None:

if n == 1:
    return G
max_edges = n * (n - 1)
if not directed:
    max_edges /= 2.0
if m >= max_edges:
    return complete_graph(n,create_using=G)

nlist = list(G)
edge_count = 0
while edge_count < m:
    # generate random edge,u,v
    u = random.choice(nlist)
    v = random.choice(nlist)
    if u == v or G.has_edge(u,v):
        edge_count = edge_count + 1
return G

def newman_watts_strogatz_graph(n,k,seed=None):
"""Return a Newman–Watts–Strogatz small-world graph.

n : int
    The number of nodes.
k : int
    Each node is joined with its `k` nearest neighbors in a ring
p : float
    The probability of adding a new edge for each edge.
seed : int,optional
    The seed for the random number generator (the default is None).

First create a ring over $n$ nodes [1]_.  Then each node in the ring is
connected with its $k$ nearest neighbors (or $k - 1$ neighbors if $k$
is odd).  Then shortcuts are created by adding new edges as follows: for
each edge $(u,v)$ in the underlying "$n$-ring with $k$ nearest
neighbors" with probability $p$ add a new edge $(u,w)$ with
randomly-chosen existing node $w$.  In contrast with
:func:`watts_strogatz_graph`,no edges are removed.

See Also

.. [1] M. E. J. Newman and D. J. Watts,Renormalization group analysis of the small-world network model,Physics Letters A,263,341,1999.
if seed is not None:
if k >= n:
    raise nx.NetworkXError("k>=n,choose smaller k or larger n")
G = empty_graph(n)
nlist = list(G.nodes())
fromv = nlist
# connect the k/2 neighbors
for j in range(1,k // 2 + 1):
    tov = fromv[j:] + fromv[0:j]  # the first j are <a href="https://www.jb51.cc/tag/Now/" target="_blank" class="keywords">Now</a> last
    for i in range(len(fromv)):
# for each edge u-v,with probability p,randomly select existing
# node w and add new edge u-w
e = list(G.edges())
for (u,v) in e:
    if random.random() < p:
        w = random.choice(nlist)
        # no self-loops and reject if edge u-w exists
        # is that the correct NWS model?
        while w == u or G.has_edge(u,w):
            w = random.choice(nlist)
            if G.degree(u) >= n - 1:
                break  # skip this rewiring
return G

def watts_strogatz_graph(n,seed=None):
"""Return a Watts–Strogatz small-world graph.

n : int
    The number of nodes
k : int
    Each node is joined with its `k` nearest neighbors in a ring
p : float
    The probability of rewiring each edge
seed : int,optional
    Seed for random number generator (default=None)

See Also

First create a ring over $n$ nodes [1]_.  Then each node in the ring is joined
to its $k$ nearest neighbors (or $k - 1$ neighbors if $k$ is odd).
Then shortcuts are created by replacing some edges as follows: for each
edge $(u,v)$ in the underlying "$n$-ring with $k$ nearest neighbors"
with probability $p$ replace it with a new edge $(u,w)$ with uniformly
random choice of existing node $w$.

In contrast with :func:`newman_watts_strogatz_graph`,the random rewiring
does not increase the number of edges. The rewired graph is not guaranteed
to be connected as in :func:`connected_watts_strogatz_graph`.

.. [1] Duncan J. Watts and Steven H. Strogatz,Collective dynamics of small-world networks,Nature,393,pp. 440--442,1998.
if k >= n:
    raise nx.NetworkXError("k>=n,choose smaller k or larger n")
if seed is not None:

G = nx.Graph()
nodes = list(range(n))  # nodes are labeled 0 to n-1
# connect each node to k/2 neighbors
for j in range(1,k // 2 + 1):
    targets = nodes[j:] + nodes[0:j]  # first j nodes are <a href="https://www.jb51.cc/tag/Now/" target="_blank" class="keywords">Now</a> last in list
# rewire edges from each node
# loop over all nodes in order (label) and neighbors in order (distance)
# no self loops or multiple edges allowed
for j in range(1,k // 2 + 1):  # outer loop is neighbors
    targets = nodes[j:] + nodes[0:j]  # first j nodes are <a href="https://www.jb51.cc/tag/Now/" target="_blank" class="keywords">Now</a> last in list
    # inner loop in node order
    for u,v in zip(nodes,targets):
        if random.random() < p:
            w = random.choice(nodes)
            # Enforce no self-loops or multiple edges
            while w == u or G.has_edge(u,w):
                w = random.choice(nodes)
                if G.degree(u) >= n - 1:
                    break  # skip this rewiring
return G

def connected_watts_strogatz_graph(n,tries=100,seed=None):
"""Returns a connected Watts–Strogatz small-world graph.

Attempts to generate a connected graph by repeated generation of
Watts–Strogatz small-world graphs.  An exception is raised if the maximum
number of tries is exceeded.

n : int
    The number of nodes
k : int
    Each node is joined with its `k` nearest neighbors in a ring
p : float
    The probability of rewiring each edge
tries : int
    Number of attempts to generate a connected graph.
seed : int,optional
     The seed for random number generator.

See Also

for i in range(tries):
    G = watts_strogatz_graph(n,seed)
    if nx.is_connected(G):
        return G
raise nx.NetworkXError('Maximum number of tries exceeded')

def random_regular_graph(d,n,seed=None):
r"""Returns a random $d$-regular graph on $n$ nodes.

The resulting graph has no self-loops or parallel edges.

d : int
  The degree of each node.
n : integer
  The number of nodes. The value of $n \times d$ must be even.
seed : hashable object
    The seed for random number generator.

The nodes are numbered from $0$ to $n - 1$.

Kim and Vu's paper [2]_ shows that this algorithm samples in an
asymptotically uniform way from the space of random graphs when
$d = O(n^{1 / 3 - \epsilon})$.


    If $n \times d$ is odd or $d$ is greater than or equal to $n$.

.. [1] A. Steger and N. Wormald,Gene<a href="https://www.jb51.cc/tag/rating/" target="_blank" class="keywords">rating</a> random regular graphs quickly,Probability and Computing 8 (1999),377-396,1999.
   http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/steger99gene<a href="https://www.jb51.cc/tag/rating/" target="_blank" class="keywords">rating</a>.html

.. [2] Jeong Han Kim and Van H. Vu,Gene<a href="https://www.jb51.cc/tag/rating/" target="_blank" class="keywords">rating</a> random regular graphs,Proceedings of the thirty-fifth ACM symposium on Theory of computing,San Diego,CA,USA,pp 213--222,2003.
if (n * d) % 2 != 0:
    raise nx.NetworkXError("n * d must be even")

if not 0 <= d < n:
    raise nx.NetworkXError("the 0 <= d < n inequality must be satisfied")

if d == 0:
    return empty_graph(n)

if seed is not None:

def _suitable(edges,potential_edges):
    # Helper subroutine to check if there are suitable edges remaining
    # If False,the generation of the graph has failed
    if not potential_edges:
        return True
    for s1 in potential_edges:
        for s2 in potential_edges:
            # Two iterators on the same dictionary are guaranteed
            # to visit it in the same order if there are no
            # intervening modifications.
            if s1 == s2:
                # Only need to consider s1-s2 pair one time
            if s1 > s2:
                s1,s2 = s2,s1
            if (s1,s2) not in edges:
                return True
    return False

def _try_creation():
    # Attempt to create an edge set

    edges = set()
    stubs = list(range(n)) * d

    while stubs:
        potential_edges = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
        stubiter = iter(stubs)
        for s1,s2 in zip(stubiter,stubiter):
            if s1 > s2:
            if s1 != s2 and ((s1,s2) not in edges):
                potential_edges[s1] += 1
                potential_edges[s2] += 1

        if not _suitable(edges,potential_edges):
            return None  # <a href="https://www.jb51.cc/tag/Failed/" target="_blank" class="keywords">Failed</a> to find suitable edge set

        stubs = [node for node,potential in potential_edges.items()
                 for _ in range(potential)]
    return edges

# Even though a suitable edge set exists,# the generation of such a set is not guaranteed.
# Try repeatedly to find one.
edges = _try_creation()
while edges is None:
    edges = _try_creation()

G = nx.Graph()

return G

def _random_subset(seq,m):
""" Return m unique elements from seq.

This differs from random.sample which can return repeated
elements if seq holds repeated elements.
targets = set()
while len(targets) < m:
    x = random.choice(seq)
return targets

def barabasi_albert_graph(n,seed=None):
"""Returns a random graph according to the Barabási–Albert preferential
attachment model.

A graph of $n$ nodes is grown by attaching new nodes each with $m$
edges that are preferentially attached to existing nodes with high degree.

n : int
    Number of nodes
m : int
    Number of edges to attach from a new node to existing nodes
seed : int,optional
    Seed for random number generator (default=None).

G : Graph

    If `m` does not satisfy ``1 <= m < n``.

.. [1] A. L. Barabási and R. Albert "Emergence of scaling in
   random networks",Science 286,pp 509-512,1999.

if m < 1 or m >= n:
    raise nx.NetworkXError("Barabási–Albert network must have m >= 1"
                           " and m < n,m = %d,n = %d" % (m,n))
if seed is not None:

# Add m initial nodes (m0 in barabasi-speak)
G = empty_graph(m)
# Target nodes for new edges
targets = list(range(m))
# List of existing nodes,with nodes repeated once for each adjacent edge
repeated_nodes = []
# Start adding the other n-m nodes. The first node is m.
source = m
while source < n:
    # Add edges to m nodes from the source.
    G.add_edges_from(zip([source] * m,targets))
    # Add one node to the list for each new edge just created.
    # And the new node "source" has m edges to add to the list.
    repeated_nodes.extend([source] * m)
    # <a href="https://www.jb51.cc/tag/Now/" target="_blank" class="keywords">Now</a> choose m unique nodes from the existing nodes
    # Pick uniformly from repeated_nodes (preferential attachement)
    targets = _random_subset(repeated_nodes,m)
    source += 1
return G

def extended_barabasi_albert_graph(n,q,seed=None):
"""Returns an extended Barabási–Albert model graph.

An extended Barabási–Albert model graph is a random graph constructed
using preferential attachment. The extended model allows new egdes,rewired edges or new nodes. Based on the probabilities $p$ and $q$
with $p + q < 1$,the growing behavior of the graph is deter<a href="https://www.jb51.cc/tag/mine/" target="_blank" class="keywords">mine</a>d as:

1) With $p$ probability,$m$ new edges are added to the graph,starting from randomly chosen existing nodes and attached preferentially at the other end.

2) With $q$ probability,$m$ existing edges are rewired
by randomly chosing an edge and rewiring one end to a preferentially chosen node.

3) With $(1 - p - q)$ probability,$m$ new nodes are added to the graph
with edges attached preferentially.

When $p = q = 0$,the model behaves just like the Barabási–Alber mo

n : int
    Number of nodes
m : int
    Number of edges with which a new node attaches to existing nodes
p : float
    Probability value for adding an edge between existing nodes. p + q < 1
q : float
    Probability value of rewiring of existing edges. p + q < 1
seed : int (optional,default: None)
    Seed for random number generator

G : Graph

    If `m` does not satisfy ``1 <= m < n`` or ``1 >= p + q``

.. [1] Albert,R.,&amp; Barabási,A. L. (2000)
   Topology of evolving networks: local events and universality
   Physical review letters,85(24),5234.
if m < 1 or m >= n:
    msg = "Extended Barabasi-Albert network needs m>=1 and m<n,m=%d,n=%d"
    raise nx.NetworkXError(msg % (m,n))
if p + q >= 1:
    msg = "Extended Barabasi-Albert network needs p + q <= 1,p=%d,q=%d"
    raise nx.NetworkXError(msg % (p,q))
if seed is not None:

# Add m initial nodes (m0 in barabasi-speak)
G = empty_graph(m)

# List of nodes to represent the preferential attachment random selection.
# At the creation of the graph,all nodes are added to the list
# so that even nodes that are not connected have a chance to get selected,# for rewiring and adding of edges.
# With each new edge,nodes at the ends of the edge are added to the list.
attachment_preference = []

# Start adding the other n-m nodes. The first node is m.
new_node = m
while new_node < n:
    a_probability = random.random()

    # Total number of edges of a Clique of all the nodes
    clique_degree = len(G) - 1
    clique_size = (len(G) * clique_degree) / 2

    # Adding m new edges,if there is room to add them
    if a_probability < p and G.size() <= clique_size - m:
        # Select the nodes where an edge can be added
        elligible_nodes = [nd for nd,deg in G.degree()
                           if deg < clique_degree]
        for i in range(m):
            # Choosing a random source node from elligible_nodes
            src_node = random.choice(elligible_nodes)

            # Picking a possible node that is not 'src_node' or
            # neighbor with 'src_node',with preferential attachment
            prohibited_nodes = list(G[src_node])
            # This will raise an exception if the sequence is empty
            dest_node = random.choice([nd for nd in attachment_preference
                                       if nd not in prohibited_nodes])
            # Adding the new edge

            # Appending both nodes to add to their preferential attachment

            # Adjusting the elligible nodes. Degree may be saturated.
            if G.degree(src_node) == clique_degree:
            if G.degree(dest_node) == clique_degree \
                    and dest_node in elligible_nodes:

    # Rewiring m edges,if there are enough edges
    elif p <= a_probability < (p + q) and m <= G.size() < clique_size:
        # Selecting nodes that have at least 1 edge but that are not
        # fully connected to ALL other nodes (center of star).
        # These nodes are the pivot nodes of the edges to rewire
        elligible_nodes = [nd for nd,deg in G.degree()
                           if 0 < deg < clique_degree]
        for i in range(m):
            # Choosing a random source node
            node = random.choice(elligible_nodes)

            # The available nodes do have a neighbor at least.
            neighbor_nodes = list(G[node])

            # Choosing the other end that will get dettached
            src_node = random.choice(neighbor_nodes)

            # Picking a target node that is not 'node' or
            # neighbor with 'node',with preferential attachment
            dest_node = random.choice([nd for nd in attachment_preference
                                       if nd not in neighbor_nodes])
            # Rewire

            # Adjusting the preferential attachment list

            # Adjusting the elligible nodes.
            # nodes may be saturated or isolated.
            if G.degree(src_node) == 0 and src_node in elligible_nodes:
            if dest_node in elligible_nodes:
                if G.degree(dest_node) == clique_degree:
                if G.degree(dest_node) == 1:

    # Adding new node with m edges
        # Select the edges' nodes by preferential attachment
        targets = _random_subset(attachment_preference,m)
        G.add_edges_from(zip([new_node] * m,targets))

        # Add one node to the list for each new edge just created.
        # The new node has m edges to it,plus itself: m + 1
        attachment_preference.extend([new_node] * (m + 1))
        new_node += 1
return G

def powerlaw_cluster_graph(n,seed=None):
"""Holme and Kim algorithm for growing graphs with powerlaw
degree distribution and approximate average clustering.

n : int
    the number of nodes
m : int
    the number of random edges to add for each new node
p : float,Probability of adding a triangle after adding a random edge
seed : int,optional
    Seed for random number generator (default=None).

The average clustering has a hard time getting above a certain
cutoff that depends on `m`.  This cutoff is often quite low.  The
transitivity (fraction of triangles to possible triangles) seems to
decrease with network size.

It is essentially the Barabási–Albert (BA) growth model with an
extra step that each random edge is followed by a chance of
making an edge to one of its neighbors too (and thus a triangle).

This algorithm improves on BA in the sense that it enables a
higher average clustering to be attained if desired.

It seems possible to have a disconnected graph with this algorithm
since the initial `m` nodes may not be all linked to a new node
on the first iteration like the BA model.

    If `m` does not satisfy ``1 <= m <= n`` or `p` does not
    satisfy ``0 <= p <= 1``.

.. [1] P. Holme and B. J. Kim,"Growing scale-free networks with tunable clustering",65,026107,2002.

if m < 1 or n < m:
    raise nx.NetworkXError(
        "NetworkXError must have m>1 and m<n,n=%d" % (m,n))

if p > 1 or p < 0:
    raise nx.NetworkXError(
        "NetworkXError p must be in [0,1],p=%f" % (p))
if seed is not None:

G = empty_graph(m)  # add m initial nodes (m0 in barabasi-speak)
repeated_nodes = list(G.nodes())  # list of existing nodes to sample from
# with nodes repeated once for each adjacent edge
source = m               # next node is m
while source < n:        # <a href="https://www.jb51.cc/tag/Now/" target="_blank" class="keywords">Now</a> add the other n-1 nodes
    possible_targets = _random_subset(repeated_nodes,m)
    # do one preferential attachment for new node
    target = possible_targets.pop()
    repeated_nodes.append(target)  # add one node to list for each new link
    count = 1
    while count < m:  # add m-1 more new links
        if random.random() < p:  # clustering step: add triangle
            neighborhood = [nbr for nbr in G.neighbors(target)
                            if not G.has_edge(source,nbr)
                            and not nbr == source]
            if neighborhood:  # if there is a neighbor without a link
                nbr = random.choice(neighborhood)
                G.add_edge(source,nbr)  # add triangle
                count = count + 1
                continue  # go to top of while loop
        # else do preferential attachment step if above fails
        target = possible_targets.pop()
        count = count + 1

    repeated_nodes.extend([source] * m)  # add source node to list m times
    source += 1
return G

def random_lobster(n,p1,p2,seed=None):
"""Returns a random lobster graph.

 A lobster is a tree that reduces to a caterpillar when pruning all
 leaf nodes. A caterpillar is a tree that reduces to a path graph
 when pruning all leaf nodes; setting `p2` to zero produces a caterpillar.

 n : int
     The expected number of nodes in the backbone
 p1 : float
     Probability of adding an edge to the backbone
 p2 : float
     Probability of adding an edge one level beyond backbone
 seed : int,optional
     Seed for random number generator (default=None).
# a necessary ingredient in any self-respecting graph library
if seed is not None:
llen = int(2 * random.random() * n + 0.5)
L = path_graph(llen)
# build caterpillar: add edges to path graph with probability p1
current_node = llen - 1
for n in range(llen):
    if random.random() < p1:  # add fuzzy caterpillar parts
        current_node += 1
        if random.random() < p2:  # add crunchy lobster bits
            current_node += 1
            L.add_edge(current_node - 1,current_node)
return L  # voila,un lobster!

def random_shell_graph(constructor,seed=None):
"""Returns a random shell graph for the constructor given.

constructor : list of three-tuples
    Represents the parameters for a shell,starting at the center
    shell.  Each element of the list must be of the form `(n,d)`,where `n` is the number of nodes in the shell,`m` is
    the number of edges in the shell,and `d` is the ratio of
    inter-shell (next) edges to intra-shell edges. If `d` is zero,there will be no intra-shell edges,and if `d` is one there
    will be all possible intra-shell edges.
seed : int,optional
    Seed for random number generator (default=None).

>>> constructor = [(10,20,0.8),(20,40,0.8)]
>>> G = nx.random_shell_graph(constructor)

G = empty_graph(0)

if seed is not None:

glist = []
intra_edges = []
nnodes = 0
# create gnm graphs for each shell
for (n,d) in constructor:
    inter_edges = int(m * d)
    intra_edges.append(m - inter_edges)
    g = nx.convert_node_labels_to_integers(
    nnodes += n
    G = nx.operators.union(G,g)

# connect the shells randomly
for gi in range(len(glist) - 1):
    nlist1 = list(glist[gi])
    nlist2 = list(glist[gi + 1])
    total_edges = intra_edges[gi]
    edge_count = 0
    while edge_count < total_edges:
        u = random.choice(nlist1)
        v = random.choice(nlist2)
        if u == v or G.has_edge(u,v):
            edge_count = edge_count + 1
return G

def random_powerlaw_tree(n,gamma=3,tries=100):
"""Returns a tree with a power law degree distribution.

n : int
    The number of nodes.
gamma : float
    Exponent of the power law.
seed : int,optional
    Seed for random number generator (default=None).
tries : int
    Number of attempts to adjust the sequence to make it a tree.

    If no valid sequence is found within the maximum number of

A trial power law degree sequence is chosen and then elements are
swapped with new elements from a powerlaw distribution until the
sequence makes a tree (by checking,for example,that the number of
edges is one smaller than the number of nodes).

# This call may raise a NetworkXError if the number of tries is succeeded.
seq = random_powerlaw_tree_sequence(n,gamma=gamma,seed=seed,tries=tries)
G = degree_sequence_tree(seq)
return G

def random_powerlaw_tree_sequence(n,tries=100):
"""Returns a degree sequence for a tree with a power law distribution.

n : int,The number of nodes.
gamma : float
    Exponent of the power law.
seed : int,optional
    Seed for random number generator (default=None).
tries : int
    Number of attempts to adjust the sequence to make it a tree.

    If no valid sequence is found within the maximum number of

A trial power law degree sequence is chosen and then elements are
swapped with new elements from a power law distribution until
the sequence makes a tree (by checking,that the number of
edges is one smaller than the number of nodes).

if seed is not None:

# get trial sequence
z = nx.utils.powerlaw_sequence(n,exponent=gamma)
# round to integer values in the range [0,n]
zseq = [min(n,max(int(round(s)),0)) for s in z]

# another sequence to swap values from
z = nx.utils.powerlaw_sequence(tries,n]
swap = [min(n,0)) for s in z]

for deg in swap:
    # If this degree sequence can be the degree sequence of a tree,return
    # it. It can be a tree if the number of edges is one fewer than the
    # number of nodes,or in other words,`n - sum(zseq) / 2 == 1`. We
    # use an equivalent condition below that avoids floating point
    # operations.
    if 2 * n - sum(zseq) == 2:
        return zseq
    index = random.randint(0,n - 1)
    zseq[index] = swap.pop()

raise nx.NetworkXError('Exceeded max (%d) attempts for a valid tree'
                       ' sequence.' % tries)

def random_kernel_graph(n,kernel_integral,kernel_root=None,seed=None):
r"""Return an random graph based on the specified kernel.

The algorithm chooses each of the $[n(n-1)]/2$ possible edges with
probability specified by a kernel $\kappa(x,y)$ [1]_.  The kernel
$\kappa(x,y)$ must be a symmetric (in $x,y$),non-negative,bounded function.

n : int
    The number of nodes
kernal_integral : function
    Function that returns the definite integral of the kernel $\kappa(x,y)$,$F(y,a,b) := \int_a^b \kappa(x,y)dx$
kernel_root: function (optional)
    Function that returns the root $b$ of the equation $F(y,b) = r$.
    If None,the root is found using :func:`scipy.optimize.brentq`
    (this requires SciPy).
seed : int,optional
    Seed for random number generator (default=None)

The kernel is specified through its definite integral which must be
provided as one of the arguments. If the integral and root of the
kernel integral can be found in $O(1)$ time then this algorithm runs in
time $O(n+m)$ where m is the expected number of edges [2]_.

The nodes are set to integers from $0$ to $n-1$.

Generate an Erd?s–Rényi random graph $G(n,c/n)$,with kernel
$\kappa(x,y)=c$ where $c$ is the mean expected degree.

>>> def integral(u,w,z):
...     return c * (z - w)
>>> def root(u,r):
...     return r / c + w
>>> c = 1
>>> graph = nx.random_kernel_graph(1000,integral,root)

See Also

.. [1] Bollobás,Béla,Janson,S. and Riordan,O.
   "The phase transition in inhomogeneous random graphs",*Random Structures Algorithms*,31,3--122,2007.

.. [2] Hagberg A,Lemons N (2015),"Fast Generation of Sparse Random Kernel Graphs".
   PLoS ONE 10(9): e0135177,2015. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0135177
if seed is not None:
if kernel_root is None:
    import scipy.optimize as optimize

    def kernel_root(y,r):
        def my_function(b):
            return kernel_integral(y,b) - r
        return optimize.brentq(my_function,1)
graph = nx.Graph()
(i,j) = (1,1)
while i < n:
    r = -math.log(1 - random.random())  # (1-random.random()) in (0,1]
    if kernel_integral(i / n,j / n,1) <= r:
        i,j = i + 1,i + 1
        j = int(math.ceil(n * kernel_root(i / n,r)))
        graph.add_edge(i - 1,j - 1)
return graph

n : int
    The number of nodes.
p : float
    Probability for edge creation.
seed : int,optional
    Seed for random number generator (default=None).
directed : bool,optional (default=False)
    If True,this function returns a directed graph.

The $G_{n,p}$ graph algorithm chooses each of the $[n (n - 1)] / 2$
(undirected) or $n (n - 1)$ (directed) possible edges with probability $p$.

This algorithm [1]_ runs in $O(n + m)$ time,where `m` is the expected number of
edges,which equals $p n (n - 1) / 2$. This should be faster than
:func:`gnp_random_graph` when $p$ is small and the expected number of edges
is small (that is,the graph is sparse).

See Also

.. [1] Vladimir Batagelj and Ulrik Brandes,"Efficient generation of large random networks",Phys. Rev. E,71,036113,2005.
G = empty_graph(n)

if seed is not None:

if p <= 0 or p >= 1:
    return nx.gnp_random_graph(n,directed=directed)

w = -1
lp = math.log(1.0 - p)

if directed:
    G = nx.DiGraph(G)
    # Nodes in graph are from 0,n-1 (start with v as the first node index).
    v = 0
    while v < n:
        lr = math.log(1.0 - random.random())
        w = w + 1 + int(lr / lp)
        if v == w:  # avoid self loops
            w = w + 1
        while v < n <= w:
            w = w - n
            v = v + 1
            if v == w:  # avoid self loops
                w = w + 1
        if v < n:
    # Nodes in graph are from 0,n-1 (start with v as the second node index).
    v = 1
    while v < n:
        lr = math.log(1.0 - random.random())
        w = w + 1 + int(lr / lp)
        while w >= v and v < n:
            w = w - v
            v = v + 1
        if v < n:
return G
The $G_{n,p}$ model chooses each of the possible edges with probability $p$.

The functions :func:`binomial_graph` and :func:`erdos_renyi_graph` are
aliases of this function.

n : int
    The number of nodes.
p : float
    Probability for edge creation.
seed : int,this function returns a directed graph.

See Also

This algorithm [2]_ runs in $O(n^2)$ time.  For sparse graphs (that is,for
small values of $p$),:func:`fast_gnp_random_graph` is a faster algorithm.

.. [1] P. Erd?s and A. Rényi,On Random Graphs,Publ. Math. 6,290 (1959).
.. [2] E. N. Gilbert,Random Graphs,Ann. Math. Stat.,30,1141 (1959).
if directed:
    G = nx.DiGraph()
    G = nx.Graph()
if p <= 0:
    return G
if p >= 1:
    return complete_graph(n,create_using=G)

if seed is not None:

if G.is_directed():
    edges = itertools.permutations(range(n),2)
    edges = itertools.combinations(range(n),2)

for e in edges:
    if random.random() < p:
return G
In the $G_{n,m}$ model,a graph is chosen uniformly at random from the set
of all graphs with $n$ nodes and $m$ edges.

This algorithm should be faster than :func:`gnm_random_graph` for dense

n : int
    The number of nodes.
m : int
    The number of edges.
seed : int,optional
    Seed for random number generator (default=None).

See Also

Algorithm by Keith M. Briggs Mar 31,2006.
Inspired by Knuth's Algorithm S (Selection sampling technique),in section 3.4.2 of [1]_.

.. [1] Donald E. Knuth,The Art of Computer Programming,Volume 2/Seminumerical algorithms,Third Edition,Addison-Wesley,1997.
mmax = n * (n - 1) / 2
if m >= mmax:
    G = complete_graph(n)
    G = empty_graph(n)

if n == 1 or m >= mmax:
    return G

if seed is not None:

u = 0
v = 1
t = 0
k = 0
while True:
    if random.randrange(mmax - t) < m - k:
        k += 1
        if k == m:
            return G
    t += 1
    v += 1
    if v == n:  # go to next row of adjacency matrix
        u += 1
        v = u + 1
This algorithm should be faster than :func:`dense_gnm_random_graph` for
sparse graphs.

n : int
    The number of nodes.
m : int
    The number of edges.
seed : int,optional (default=False)
    If True return a directed graph

See also

if directed:
    G = nx.DiGraph()
    G = nx.Graph()

if seed is not None:

if n == 1:
    return G
max_edges = n * (n - 1)
if not directed:
    max_edges /= 2.0
if m >= max_edges:
    return complete_graph(n,create_using=G)

nlist = list(G)
edge_count = 0
while edge_count < m:
    # generate random edge,u,v
    u = random.choice(nlist)
    v = random.choice(nlist)
    if u == v or G.has_edge(u,v):
        edge_count = edge_count + 1
return G
n : int
    The number of nodes.
k : int
    Each node is joined with its `k` nearest neighbors in a ring
p : float
    The probability of adding a new edge for each edge.
seed : int,optional
    The seed for the random number generator (the default is None).

First create a ring over $n$ nodes [1]_.  Then each node in the ring is
connected with its $k$ nearest neighbors (or $k - 1$ neighbors if $k$
is odd).  Then shortcuts are created by adding new edges as follows: for
each edge $(u,v)$ in the underlying "$n$-ring with $k$ nearest
neighbors" with probability $p$ add a new edge $(u,w)$ with
randomly-chosen existing node $w$.  In contrast with
:func:`watts_strogatz_graph`,no edges are removed.

See Also

.. [1] M. E. J. Newman and D. J. Watts,Renormalization group analysis of the small-world network model,Physics Letters A,263,341,1999.
if seed is not None:
if k >= n:
    raise nx.NetworkXError("k>=n,choose smaller k or larger n")
G = empty_graph(n)
nlist = list(G.nodes())
fromv = nlist
# connect the k/2 neighbors
for j in range(1,k // 2 + 1):
    tov = fromv[j:] + fromv[0:j]  # the first j are <a href="https://www.jb51.cc/tag/Now/" target="_blank" class="keywords">Now</a> last
    for i in range(len(fromv)):
# for each edge u-v,with probability p,randomly select existing
# node w and add new edge u-w
e = list(G.edges())
for (u,v) in e:
    if random.random() < p:
        w = random.choice(nlist)
        # no self-loops and reject if edge u-w exists
        # is that the correct NWS model?
        while w == u or G.has_edge(u,w):
            w = random.choice(nlist)
            if G.degree(u) >= n - 1:
                break  # skip this rewiring
return G
n : int
    The number of nodes
k : int
    Each node is joined with its `k` nearest neighbors in a ring
p : float
    The probability of rewiring each edge
seed : int,optional
    Seed for random number generator (default=None)

See Also

First create a ring over $n$ nodes [1]_.  Then each node in the ring is joined
to its $k$ nearest neighbors (or $k - 1$ neighbors if $k$ is odd).
Then shortcuts are created by replacing some edges as follows: for each
edge $(u,v)$ in the underlying "$n$-ring with $k$ nearest neighbors"
with probability $p$ replace it with a new edge $(u,w)$ with uniformly
random choice of existing node $w$.

In contrast with :func:`newman_watts_strogatz_graph`,the random rewiring
does not increase the number of edges. The rewired graph is not guaranteed
to be connected as in :func:`connected_watts_strogatz_graph`.

.. [1] Duncan J. Watts and Steven H. Strogatz,Collective dynamics of small-world networks,Nature,393,pp. 440--442,1998.
if k >= n:
    raise nx.NetworkXError("k>=n,choose smaller k or larger n")
if seed is not None:

G = nx.Graph()
nodes = list(range(n))  # nodes are labeled 0 to n-1
# connect each node to k/2 neighbors
for j in range(1,k // 2 + 1):
    targets = nodes[j:] + nodes[0:j]  # first j nodes are <a href="https://www.jb51.cc/tag/Now/" target="_blank" class="keywords">Now</a> last in list
# rewire edges from each node
# loop over all nodes in order (label) and neighbors in order (distance)
# no self loops or multiple edges allowed
for j in range(1,k // 2 + 1):  # outer loop is neighbors
    targets = nodes[j:] + nodes[0:j]  # first j nodes are <a href="https://www.jb51.cc/tag/Now/" target="_blank" class="keywords">Now</a> last in list
    # inner loop in node order
    for u,v in zip(nodes,targets):
        if random.random() < p:
            w = random.choice(nodes)
            # Enforce no self-loops or multiple edges
            while w == u or G.has_edge(u,w):
                w = random.choice(nodes)
                if G.degree(u) >= n - 1:
                    break  # skip this rewiring
return G
Attempts to generate a connected graph by repeated generation of
Watts–Strogatz small-world graphs.  An exception is raised if the maximum
number of tries is exceeded.

n : int
    The number of nodes
k : int
    Each node is joined with its `k` nearest neighbors in a ring
p : float
    The probability of rewiring each edge
tries : int
    Number of attempts to generate a connected graph.
seed : int,optional
     The seed for random number generator.

See Also

for i in range(tries):
    G = watts_strogatz_graph(n,seed)
    if nx.is_connected(G):
        return G
raise nx.NetworkXError('Maximum number of tries exceeded')
The resulting graph has no self-loops or parallel edges.

d : int
  The degree of each node.
n : integer
  The number of nodes. The value of $n \times d$ must be even.
seed : hashable object
    The seed for random number generator.

The nodes are numbered from $0$ to $n - 1$.

Kim and Vu's paper [2]_ shows that this algorithm samples in an
asymptotically uniform way from the space of random graphs when
$d = O(n^{1 / 3 - \epsilon})$.


    If $n \times d$ is odd or $d$ is greater than or equal to $n$.

.. [1] A. Steger and N. Wormald,Gene<a href="https://www.jb51.cc/tag/rating/" target="_blank" class="keywords">rating</a> random regular graphs quickly,Probability and Computing 8 (1999),377-396,1999.
   http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/steger99gene<a href="https://www.jb51.cc/tag/rating/" target="_blank" class="keywords">rating</a>.html

.. [2] Jeong Han Kim and Van H. Vu,Gene<a href="https://www.jb51.cc/tag/rating/" target="_blank" class="keywords">rating</a> random regular graphs,Proceedings of the thirty-fifth ACM symposium on Theory of computing,San Diego,CA,USA,pp 213--222,2003.
if (n * d) % 2 != 0:
    raise nx.NetworkXError("n * d must be even")

if not 0 <= d < n:
    raise nx.NetworkXError("the 0 <= d < n inequality must be satisfied")

if d == 0:
    return empty_graph(n)

if seed is not None:

def _suitable(edges,potential_edges):
    # Helper subroutine to check if there are suitable edges remaining
    # If False,the generation of the graph has failed
    if not potential_edges:
        return True
    for s1 in potential_edges:
        for s2 in potential_edges:
            # Two iterators on the same dictionary are guaranteed
            # to visit it in the same order if there are no
            # intervening modifications.
            if s1 == s2:
                # Only need to consider s1-s2 pair one time
            if s1 > s2:
                s1,s2 = s2,s1
            if (s1,s2) not in edges:
                return True
    return False

def _try_creation():
    # Attempt to create an edge set

    edges = set()
    stubs = list(range(n)) * d

    while stubs:
        potential_edges = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
        stubiter = iter(stubs)
        for s1,s2 in zip(stubiter,stubiter):
            if s1 > s2:
            if s1 != s2 and ((s1,s2) not in edges):
                potential_edges[s1] += 1
                potential_edges[s2] += 1

        if not _suitable(edges,potential_edges):
            return None  # <a href="https://www.jb51.cc/tag/Failed/" target="_blank" class="keywords">Failed</a> to find suitable edge set

        stubs = [node for node,potential in potential_edges.items()
                 for _ in range(potential)]
    return edges

# Even though a suitable edge set exists,# the generation of such a set is not guaranteed.
# Try repeatedly to find one.
edges = _try_creation()
while edges is None:
    edges = _try_creation()

G = nx.Graph()

return G
This differs from random.sample which can return repeated
elements if seq holds repeated elements.
targets = set()
while len(targets) < m:
    x = random.choice(seq)
return targets
A graph of $n$ nodes is grown by attaching new nodes each with $m$
edges that are preferentially attached to existing nodes with high degree.

n : int
    Number of nodes
m : int
    Number of edges to attach from a new node to existing nodes
seed : int,optional
    Seed for random number generator (default=None).

G : Graph

    If `m` does not satisfy ``1 <= m < n``.

.. [1] A. L. Barabási and R. Albert "Emergence of scaling in
   random networks",Science 286,pp 509-512,1999.

if m < 1 or m >= n:
    raise nx.NetworkXError("Barabási–Albert network must have m >= 1"
                           " and m < n,m = %d,n = %d" % (m,n))
if seed is not None:

# Add m initial nodes (m0 in barabasi-speak)
G = empty_graph(m)
# Target nodes for new edges
targets = list(range(m))
# List of existing nodes,with nodes repeated once for each adjacent edge
repeated_nodes = []
# Start adding the other n-m nodes. The first node is m.
source = m
while source < n:
    # Add edges to m nodes from the source.
    G.add_edges_from(zip([source] * m,targets))
    # Add one node to the list for each new edge just created.
    # And the new node "source" has m edges to add to the list.
    repeated_nodes.extend([source] * m)
    # <a href="https://www.jb51.cc/tag/Now/" target="_blank" class="keywords">Now</a> choose m unique nodes from the existing nodes
    # Pick uniformly from repeated_nodes (preferential attachement)
    targets = _random_subset(repeated_nodes,m)
    source += 1
return G
An extended Barabási–Albert model graph is a random graph constructed
using preferential attachment. The extended model allows new egdes,rewired edges or new nodes. Based on the probabilities $p$ and $q$
with $p + q < 1$,the growing behavior of the graph is deter<a href="https://www.jb51.cc/tag/mine/" target="_blank" class="keywords">mine</a>d as:

1) With $p$ probability,$m$ new edges are added to the graph,starting from randomly chosen existing nodes and attached preferentially at the other end.

2) With $q$ probability,$m$ existing edges are rewired
by randomly chosing an edge and rewiring one end to a preferentially chosen node.

3) With $(1 - p - q)$ probability,$m$ new nodes are added to the graph
with edges attached preferentially.

When $p = q = 0$,the model behaves just like the Barabási–Alber mo

n : int
    Number of nodes
m : int
    Number of edges with which a new node attaches to existing nodes
p : float
    Probability value for adding an edge between existing nodes. p + q < 1
q : float
    Probability value of rewiring of existing edges. p + q < 1
seed : int (optional,default: None)
    Seed for random number generator

G : Graph

    If `m` does not satisfy ``1 <= m < n`` or ``1 >= p + q``

.. [1] Albert,R.,&amp; Barabási,A. L. (2000)
   Topology of evolving networks: local events and universality
   Physical review letters,85(24),5234.
if m < 1 or m >= n:
    msg = "Extended Barabasi-Albert network needs m>=1 and m<n,m=%d,n=%d"
    raise nx.NetworkXError(msg % (m,n))
if p + q >= 1:
    msg = "Extended Barabasi-Albert network needs p + q <= 1,p=%d,q=%d"
    raise nx.NetworkXError(msg % (p,q))
if seed is not None:

# Add m initial nodes (m0 in barabasi-speak)
G = empty_graph(m)

# List of nodes to represent the preferential attachment random selection.
# At the creation of the graph,all nodes are added to the list
# so that even nodes that are not connected have a chance to get selected,# for rewiring and adding of edges.
# With each new edge,nodes at the ends of the edge are added to the list.
attachment_preference = []

# Start adding the other n-m nodes. The first node is m.
new_node = m
while new_node < n:
    a_probability = random.random()

    # Total number of edges of a Clique of all the nodes
    clique_degree = len(G) - 1
    clique_size = (len(G) * clique_degree) / 2

    # Adding m new edges,if there is room to add them
    if a_probability < p and G.size() <= clique_size - m:
        # Select the nodes where an edge can be added
        elligible_nodes = [nd for nd,deg in G.degree()
                           if deg < clique_degree]
        for i in range(m):
            # Choosing a random source node from elligible_nodes
            src_node = random.choice(elligible_nodes)

            # Picking a possible node that is not 'src_node' or
            # neighbor with 'src_node',with preferential attachment
            prohibited_nodes = list(G[src_node])
            # This will raise an exception if the sequence is empty
            dest_node = random.choice([nd for nd in attachment_preference
                                       if nd not in prohibited_nodes])
            # Adding the new edge

            # Appending both nodes to add to their preferential attachment

            # Adjusting the elligible nodes. Degree may be saturated.
            if G.degree(src_node) == clique_degree:
            if G.degree(dest_node) == clique_degree \
                    and dest_node in elligible_nodes:

    # Rewiring m edges,if there are enough edges
    elif p <= a_probability < (p + q) and m <= G.size() < clique_size:
        # Selecting nodes that have at least 1 edge but that are not
        # fully connected to ALL other nodes (center of star).
        # These nodes are the pivot nodes of the edges to rewire
        elligible_nodes = [nd for nd,deg in G.degree()
                           if 0 < deg < clique_degree]
        for i in range(m):
            # Choosing a random source node
            node = random.choice(elligible_nodes)

            # The available nodes do have a neighbor at least.
            neighbor_nodes = list(G[node])

            # Choosing the other end that will get dettached
            src_node = random.choice(neighbor_nodes)

            # Picking a target node that is not 'node' or
            # neighbor with 'node',with preferential attachment
            dest_node = random.choice([nd for nd in attachment_preference
                                       if nd not in neighbor_nodes])
            # Rewire

            # Adjusting the preferential attachment list

            # Adjusting the elligible nodes.
            # nodes may be saturated or isolated.
            if G.degree(src_node) == 0 and src_node in elligible_nodes:
            if dest_node in elligible_nodes:
                if G.degree(dest_node) == clique_degree:
                if G.degree(dest_node) == 1:

    # Adding new node with m edges
        # Select the edges' nodes by preferential attachment
        targets = _random_subset(attachment_preference,m)
        G.add_edges_from(zip([new_node] * m,targets))

        # Add one node to the list for each new edge just created.
        # The new node has m edges to it,plus itself: m + 1
        attachment_preference.extend([new_node] * (m + 1))
        new_node += 1
return G
n : int
    the number of nodes
m : int
    the number of random edges to add for each new node
p : float,Probability of adding a triangle after adding a random edge
seed : int,optional
    Seed for random number generator (default=None).

The average clustering has a hard time getting above a certain
cutoff that depends on `m`.  This cutoff is often quite low.  The
transitivity (fraction of triangles to possible triangles) seems to
decrease with network size.

It is essentially the Barabási–Albert (BA) growth model with an
extra step that each random edge is followed by a chance of
making an edge to one of its neighbors too (and thus a triangle).

This algorithm improves on BA in the sense that it enables a
higher average clustering to be attained if desired.

It seems possible to have a disconnected graph with this algorithm
since the initial `m` nodes may not be all linked to a new node
on the first iteration like the BA model.

    If `m` does not satisfy ``1 <= m <= n`` or `p` does not
    satisfy ``0 <= p <= 1``.

.. [1] P. Holme and B. J. Kim,"Growing scale-free networks with tunable clustering",65,026107,2002.

if m < 1 or n < m:
    raise nx.NetworkXError(
        "NetworkXError must have m>1 and m<n,n=%d" % (m,n))

if p > 1 or p < 0:
    raise nx.NetworkXError(
        "NetworkXError p must be in [0,1],p=%f" % (p))
if seed is not None:

G = empty_graph(m)  # add m initial nodes (m0 in barabasi-speak)
repeated_nodes = list(G.nodes())  # list of existing nodes to sample from
# with nodes repeated once for each adjacent edge
source = m               # next node is m
while source < n:        # <a href="https://www.jb51.cc/tag/Now/" target="_blank" class="keywords">Now</a> add the other n-1 nodes
    possible_targets = _random_subset(repeated_nodes,m)
    # do one preferential attachment for new node
    target = possible_targets.pop()
    repeated_nodes.append(target)  # add one node to list for each new link
    count = 1
    while count < m:  # add m-1 more new links
        if random.random() < p:  # clustering step: add triangle
            neighborhood = [nbr for nbr in G.neighbors(target)
                            if not G.has_edge(source,nbr)
                            and not nbr == source]
            if neighborhood:  # if there is a neighbor without a link
                nbr = random.choice(neighborhood)
                G.add_edge(source,nbr)  # add triangle
                count = count + 1
                continue  # go to top of while loop
        # else do preferential attachment step if above fails
        target = possible_targets.pop()
        count = count + 1

    repeated_nodes.extend([source] * m)  # add source node to list m times
    source += 1
return G
 A lobster is a tree that reduces to a caterpillar when pruning all
 leaf nodes. A caterpillar is a tree that reduces to a path graph
 when pruning all leaf nodes; setting `p2` to zero produces a caterpillar.

 n : int
     The expected number of nodes in the backbone
 p1 : float
     Probability of adding an edge to the backbone
 p2 : float
     Probability of adding an edge one level beyond backbone
 seed : int,optional
     Seed for random number generator (default=None).
# a necessary ingredient in any self-respecting graph library
if seed is not None:
llen = int(2 * random.random() * n + 0.5)
L = path_graph(llen)
# build caterpillar: add edges to path graph with probability p1
current_node = llen - 1
for n in range(llen):
    if random.random() < p1:  # add fuzzy caterpillar parts
        current_node += 1
        if random.random() < p2:  # add crunchy lobster bits
            current_node += 1
            L.add_edge(current_node - 1,current_node)
return L  # voila,un lobster!
constructor : list of three-tuples
    Represents the parameters for a shell,starting at the center
    shell.  Each element of the list must be of the form `(n,d)`,where `n` is the number of nodes in the shell,`m` is
    the number of edges in the shell,and `d` is the ratio of
    inter-shell (next) edges to intra-shell edges. If `d` is zero,there will be no intra-shell edges,and if `d` is one there
    will be all possible intra-shell edges.
seed : int,optional
    Seed for random number generator (default=None).

>>> constructor = [(10,20,0.8),(20,40,0.8)]
>>> G = nx.random_shell_graph(constructor)

G = empty_graph(0)

if seed is not None:

glist = []
intra_edges = []
nnodes = 0
# create gnm graphs for each shell
for (n,d) in constructor:
    inter_edges = int(m * d)
    intra_edges.append(m - inter_edges)
    g = nx.convert_node_labels_to_integers(
    nnodes += n
    G = nx.operators.union(G,g)

# connect the shells randomly
for gi in range(len(glist) - 1):
    nlist1 = list(glist[gi])
    nlist2 = list(glist[gi + 1])
    total_edges = intra_edges[gi]
    edge_count = 0
    while edge_count < total_edges:
        u = random.choice(nlist1)
        v = random.choice(nlist2)
        if u == v or G.has_edge(u,v):
            edge_count = edge_count + 1
return G
n : int
    The number of nodes.
gamma : float
    Exponent of the power law.
seed : int,optional
    Seed for random number generator (default=None).
tries : int
    Number of attempts to adjust the sequence to make it a tree.

    If no valid sequence is found within the maximum number of

A trial power law degree sequence is chosen and then elements are
swapped with new elements from a powerlaw distribution until the
sequence makes a tree (by checking,for example,that the number of
edges is one smaller than the number of nodes).

# This call may raise a NetworkXError if the number of tries is succeeded.
seq = random_powerlaw_tree_sequence(n,gamma=gamma,seed=seed,tries=tries)
G = degree_sequence_tree(seq)
return G
n : int,The number of nodes.
gamma : float
    Exponent of the power law.
seed : int,optional
    Seed for random number generator (default=None).
tries : int
    Number of attempts to adjust the sequence to make it a tree.

    If no valid sequence is found within the maximum number of

A trial power law degree sequence is chosen and then elements are
swapped with new elements from a power law distribution until
the sequence makes a tree (by checking,that the number of
edges is one smaller than the number of nodes).

if seed is not None:

# get trial sequence
z = nx.utils.powerlaw_sequence(n,exponent=gamma)
# round to integer values in the range [0,n]
zseq = [min(n,max(int(round(s)),0)) for s in z]

# another sequence to swap values from
z = nx.utils.powerlaw_sequence(tries,n]
swap = [min(n,0)) for s in z]

for deg in swap:
    # If this degree sequence can be the degree sequence of a tree,return
    # it. It can be a tree if the number of edges is one fewer than the
    # number of nodes,or in other words,`n - sum(zseq) / 2 == 1`. We
    # use an equivalent condition below that avoids floating point
    # operations.
    if 2 * n - sum(zseq) == 2:
        return zseq
    index = random.randint(0,n - 1)
    zseq[index] = swap.pop()

raise nx.NetworkXError('Exceeded max (%d) attempts for a valid tree'
                       ' sequence.' % tries)
The algorithm chooses each of the $[n(n-1)]/2$ possible edges with
probability specified by a kernel $\kappa(x,y)$ [1]_.  The kernel
$\kappa(x,y)$ must be a symmetric (in $x,y$),non-negative,bounded function.

n : int
    The number of nodes
kernal_integral : function
    Function that returns the definite integral of the kernel $\kappa(x,y)$,$F(y,a,b) := \int_a^b \kappa(x,y)dx$
kernel_root: function (optional)
    Function that returns the root $b$ of the equation $F(y,b) = r$.
    If None,the root is found using :func:`scipy.optimize.brentq`
    (this requires SciPy).
seed : int,optional
    Seed for random number generator (default=None)

The kernel is specified through its definite integral which must be
provided as one of the arguments. If the integral and root of the
kernel integral can be found in $O(1)$ time then this algorithm runs in
time $O(n+m)$ where m is the expected number of edges [2]_.

The nodes are set to integers from $0$ to $n-1$.

Generate an Erd?s–Rényi random graph $G(n,c/n)$,with kernel
$\kappa(x,y)=c$ where $c$ is the mean expected degree.

>>> def integral(u,w,z):
...     return c * (z - w)
>>> def root(u,r):
...     return r / c + w
>>> c = 1
>>> graph = nx.random_kernel_graph(1000,integral,root)

See Also

.. [1] Bollobás,Béla,Janson,S. and Riordan,O.
   "The phase transition in inhomogeneous random graphs",*Random Structures Algorithms*,31,3--122,2007.

.. [2] Hagberg A,Lemons N (2015),"Fast Generation of Sparse Random Kernel Graphs".
   PLoS ONE 10(9): e0135177,2015. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0135177
if seed is not None:
if kernel_root is None:
    import scipy.optimize as optimize

    def kernel_root(y,r):
        def my_function(b):
            return kernel_integral(y,b) - r
        return optimize.brentq(my_function,1)
graph = nx.Graph()
(i,j) = (1,1)
while i < n:
    r = -math.log(1 - random.random())  # (1-random.random()) in (0,1]
    if kernel_integral(i / n,j / n,1) <= r:
        i,j = i + 1,i + 1
        j = int(math.ceil(n * kernel_root(i / n,r)))
        graph.add_edge(i - 1,j - 1)
return graph


from future import division
import itertools
import math
import random

import networkx as nx
from .classic import empty_graph,path_graph,complete_graph
from .degree_seq import degree_sequence_tree
from collections import defaultdict

all = ['fast_gnp_random_graph','gnp_random_graph','dense_gnm_random_graph','gnm_random_graph','erdos_renyi_graph','binomial_graph','newman_watts_strogatz_graph','watts_strogatz_graph','connected_watts_strogatz_graph','random_regular_graph','barabasi_albert_graph','extended_barabasi_albert_graph','powerlaw_cluster_graph','random_lobster','random_shell_graph','random_powerlaw_tree','random_powerlaw_tree_sequence','random_kernel_graph']

def fast_gnp_randomgraph(n,p,seed=None,directed=False):
"""Returns a $G
{n,p}$ random graph,also kNown as an Erd?s-Rényi graph or
a binomial graph.

def gnp_random_graph(n,also kNown as an Erd?s-Rényi graph
or a binomial graph.

binomial_graph = gnp_random_graph
erdos_renyi_graph = gnp_random_graph

def dense_gnm_randomgraph(n,m,seed=None):
"""Returns a $G
{n,m}$ random graph.

def gnm_random_graph(n,a graph is chosen uniformly at random from the set
of all graphs with $n$ nodes and $m$ edges.

def newman_watts_strogatz_graph(n,k,seed=None):
"""Return a Newman–Watts–Strogatz small-world graph.

def watts_strogatz_graph(n,seed=None):
"""Return a Watts–Strogatz small-world graph.

def connected_watts_strogatz_graph(n,tries=100,seed=None):
"""Returns a connected Watts–Strogatz small-world graph.

def random_regular_graph(d,n,seed=None):
r"""Returns a random $d$-regular graph on $n$ nodes.

def _random_subset(seq,m):
""" Return m unique elements from seq.

def barabasi_albert_graph(n,seed=None):
"""Returns a random graph according to the Barabási–Albert preferential
attachment model.

def extended_barabasi_albert_graph(n,q,seed=None):
"""Returns an extended Barabási–Albert model graph.

def powerlaw_cluster_graph(n,seed=None):
"""Holme and Kim algorithm for growing graphs with powerlaw
degree distribution and approximate average clustering.

def random_lobster(n,p1,p2,seed=None):
"""Returns a random lobster graph.

def random_shell_graph(constructor,seed=None):
"""Returns a random shell graph for the constructor given.

def random_powerlaw_tree(n,gamma=3,tries=100):
"""Returns a tree with a power law degree distribution.

def random_powerlaw_tree_sequence(n,tries=100):
"""Returns a degree sequence for a tree with a power law distribution.

def random_kernel_graph(n,kernel_integral,kernel_root=None,seed=None):
r"""Return an random graph based on the specified kernel.


from future import division
import itertools
import math
import random

import networkx as nx
from .classic import empty_graph,path_graph,complete_graph
from .degree_seq import degree_sequence_tree
from collections import defaultdict

all = ['fast_gnp_random_graph','gnp_random_graph','dense_gnm_random_graph','gnm_random_graph','erdos_renyi_graph','binomial_graph','newman_watts_strogatz_graph','watts_strogatz_graph','connected_watts_strogatz_graph','random_regular_graph','barabasi_albert_graph','extended_barabasi_albert_graph','powerlaw_cluster_graph','random_lobster','random_shell_graph','random_powerlaw_tree','random_powerlaw_tree_sequence','random_kernel_graph']

def fast_gnp_randomgraph(n,p,seed=None,directed=False):
"""Returns a $G
{n,p}$ random graph,also kNown as an Erd?s-Rényi graph or
a binomial graph.

n : int
    The number of nodes.
p : float
    Probability for edge creation.
seed : int,optional
    Seed for random number generator (default=None).
directed : bool,optional (default=False)
    If True,this function returns a directed graph.

The $G_{n,p}$ graph algorithm chooses each of the $[n (n - 1)] / 2$
(undirected) or $n (n - 1)$ (directed) possible edges with probability $p$.

This algorithm [1]_ runs in $O(n + m)$ time,where `m` is the expected number of
edges,which equals $p n (n - 1) / 2$. This should be faster than
:func:`gnp_random_graph` when $p$ is small and the expected number of edges
is small (that is,the graph is sparse).

See Also

.. [1] Vladimir Batagelj and Ulrik Brandes,"Efficient generation of large random networks",Phys. Rev. E,71,036113,2005.
G = empty_graph(n)

if seed is not None:

if p <= 0 or p >= 1:
    return nx.gnp_random_graph(n,directed=directed)

w = -1
lp = math.log(1.0 - p)

if directed:
    G = nx.DiGraph(G)
    # Nodes in graph are from 0,n-1 (start with v as the first node index).
    v = 0
    while v < n:
        lr = math.log(1.0 - random.random())
        w = w + 1 + int(lr / lp)
        if v == w:  # avoid self loops
            w = w + 1
        while v < n <= w:
            w = w - n
            v = v + 1
            if v == w:  # avoid self loops
                w = w + 1
        if v < n:
    # Nodes in graph are from 0,n-1 (start with v as the second node index).
    v = 1
    while v < n:
        lr = math.log(1.0 - random.random())
        w = w + 1 + int(lr / lp)
        while w >= v and v < n:
            w = w - v
            v = v + 1
        if v < n:
return G

def gnp_random_graph(n,also kNown as an Erd?s-Rényi graph
or a binomial graph.

The $G_{n,p}$ model chooses each of the possible edges with probability $p$.

The functions :func:`binomial_graph` and :func:`erdos_renyi_graph` are
aliases of this function.

n : int
    The number of nodes.
p : float
    Probability for edge creation.
seed : int,this function returns a directed graph.

See Also

This algorithm [2]_ runs in $O(n^2)$ time.  For sparse graphs (that is,for
small values of $p$),:func:`fast_gnp_random_graph` is a faster algorithm.

.. [1] P. Erd?s and A. Rényi,On Random Graphs,Publ. Math. 6,290 (1959).
.. [2] E. N. Gilbert,Random Graphs,Ann. Math. Stat.,30,1141 (1959).
if directed:
    G = nx.DiGraph()
    G = nx.Graph()
if p <= 0:
    return G
if p >= 1:
    return complete_graph(n,create_using=G)

if seed is not None:

if G.is_directed():
    edges = itertools.permutations(range(n),2)
    edges = itertools.combinations(range(n),2)

for e in edges:
    if random.random() < p:
return G

binomial_graph = gnp_random_graph
erdos_renyi_graph = gnp_random_graph

def dense_gnm_randomgraph(n,m,seed=None):
"""Returns a $G
{n,m}$ random graph.

In the $G_{n,m}$ model,a graph is chosen uniformly at random from the set
of all graphs with $n$ nodes and $m$ edges.

This algorithm should be faster than :func:`gnm_random_graph` for dense

n : int
    The number of nodes.
m : int
    The number of edges.
seed : int,optional
    Seed for random number generator (default=None).

See Also

Algorithm by Keith M. Briggs Mar 31,2006.
Inspired by Knuth's Algorithm S (Selection sampling technique),in section 3.4.2 of [1]_.

.. [1] Donald E. Knuth,The Art of Computer Programming,Volume 2/Seminumerical algorithms,Third Edition,Addison-Wesley,1997.
mmax = n * (n - 1) / 2
if m >= mmax:
    G = complete_graph(n)
    G = empty_graph(n)

if n == 1 or m >= mmax:
    return G

if seed is not None:

u = 0
v = 1
t = 0
k = 0
while True:
    if random.randrange(mmax - t) < m - k:
        k += 1
        if k == m:
            return G
    t += 1
    v += 1
    if v == n:  # go to next row of adjacency matrix
        u += 1
        v = u + 1

def gnm_random_graph(n,a graph is chosen uniformly at random from the set
of all graphs with $n$ nodes and $m$ edges.

This algorithm should be faster than :func:`dense_gnm_random_graph` for
sparse graphs.

n : int
    The number of nodes.
m : int
    The number of edges.
seed : int,optional (default=False)
    If True return a directed graph

See also

if directed:
    G = nx.DiGraph()
    G = nx.Graph()

if seed is not None:

if n == 1:
    return G
max_edges = n * (n - 1)
if not directed:
    max_edges /= 2.0
if m >= max_edges:
    return complete_graph(n,create_using=G)

nlist = list(G)
edge_count = 0
while edge_count < m:
    # generate random edge,u,v
    u = random.choice(nlist)
    v = random.choice(nlist)
    if u == v or G.has_edge(u,v):
        edge_count = edge_count + 1
return G

def newman_watts_strogatz_graph(n,k,seed=None):
"""Return a Newman–Watts–Strogatz small-world graph.

n : int
    The number of nodes.
k : int
    Each node is joined with its `k` nearest neighbors in a ring
p : float
    The probability of adding a new edge for each edge.
seed : int,optional
    The seed for the random number generator (the default is None).

First create a ring over $n$ nodes [1]_.  Then each node in the ring is
connected with its $k$ nearest neighbors (or $k - 1$ neighbors if $k$
is odd).  Then shortcuts are created by adding new edges as follows: for
each edge $(u,v)$ in the underlying "$n$-ring with $k$ nearest
neighbors" with probability $p$ add a new edge $(u,w)$ with
randomly-chosen existing node $w$.  In contrast with
:func:`watts_strogatz_graph`,no edges are removed.

See Also

.. [1] M. E. J. Newman and D. J. Watts,Renormalization group analysis of the small-world network model,Physics Letters A,263,341,1999.
if seed is not None:
if k >= n:
    raise nx.NetworkXError("k>=n,choose smaller k or larger n")
G = empty_graph(n)
nlist = list(G.nodes())
fromv = nlist
# connect the k/2 neighbors
for j in range(1,k // 2 + 1):
    tov = fromv[j:] + fromv[0:j]  # the first j are <a href="https://www.jb51.cc/tag/Now/" target="_blank" class="keywords">Now</a> last
    for i in range(len(fromv)):
# for each edge u-v,with probability p,randomly select existing
# node w and add new edge u-w
e = list(G.edges())
for (u,v) in e:
    if random.random() < p:
        w = random.choice(nlist)
        # no self-loops and reject if edge u-w exists
        # is that the correct NWS model?
        while w == u or G.has_edge(u,w):
            w = random.choice(nlist)
            if G.degree(u) >= n - 1:
                break  # skip this rewiring
return G

def watts_strogatz_graph(n,seed=None):
"""Return a Watts–Strogatz small-world graph.

n : int
    The number of nodes
k : int
    Each node is joined with its `k` nearest neighbors in a ring
p : float
    The probability of rewiring each edge
seed : int,optional
    Seed for random number generator (default=None)

See Also

First create a ring over $n$ nodes [1]_.  Then each node in the ring is joined
to its $k$ nearest neighbors (or $k - 1$ neighbors if $k$ is odd).
Then shortcuts are created by replacing some edges as follows: for each
edge $(u,v)$ in the underlying "$n$-ring with $k$ nearest neighbors"
with probability $p$ replace it with a new edge $(u,w)$ with uniformly
random choice of existing node $w$.

In contrast with :func:`newman_watts_strogatz_graph`,the random rewiring
does not increase the number of edges. The rewired graph is not guaranteed
to be connected as in :func:`connected_watts_strogatz_graph`.

.. [1] Duncan J. Watts and Steven H. Strogatz,Collective dynamics of small-world networks,Nature,393,pp. 440--442,1998.
if k >= n:
    raise nx.NetworkXError("k>=n,choose smaller k or larger n")
if seed is not None:

G = nx.Graph()
nodes = list(range(n))  # nodes are labeled 0 to n-1
# connect each node to k/2 neighbors
for j in range(1,k // 2 + 1):
    targets = nodes[j:] + nodes[0:j]  # first j nodes are <a href="https://www.jb51.cc/tag/Now/" target="_blank" class="keywords">Now</a> last in list
# rewire edges from each node
# loop over all nodes in order (label) and neighbors in order (distance)
# no self loops or multiple edges allowed
for j in range(1,k // 2 + 1):  # outer loop is neighbors
    targets = nodes[j:] + nodes[0:j]  # first j nodes are <a href="https://www.jb51.cc/tag/Now/" target="_blank" class="keywords">Now</a> last in list
    # inner loop in node order
    for u,v in zip(nodes,targets):
        if random.random() < p:
            w = random.choice(nodes)
            # Enforce no self-loops or multiple edges
            while w == u or G.has_edge(u,w):
                w = random.choice(nodes)
                if G.degree(u) >= n - 1:
                    break  # skip this rewiring
return G

def connected_watts_strogatz_graph(n,tries=100,seed=None):
"""Returns a connected Watts–Strogatz small-world graph.

Attempts to generate a connected graph by repeated generation of
Watts–Strogatz small-world graphs.  An exception is raised if the maximum
number of tries is exceeded.

n : int
    The number of nodes
k : int
    Each node is joined with its `k` nearest neighbors in a ring
p : float
    The probability of rewiring each edge
tries : int
    Number of attempts to generate a connected graph.
seed : int,optional
     The seed for random number generator.

See Also

for i in range(tries):
    G = watts_strogatz_graph(n,seed)
    if nx.is_connected(G):
        return G
raise nx.NetworkXError('Maximum number of tries exceeded')

def random_regular_graph(d,n,seed=None):
r"""Returns a random $d$-regular graph on $n$ nodes.

The resulting graph has no self-loops or parallel edges.

d : int
  The degree of each node.
n : integer
  The number of nodes. The value of $n \times d$ must be even.
seed : hashable object
    The seed for random number generator.

The nodes are numbered from $0$ to $n - 1$.

Kim and Vu's paper [2]_ shows that this algorithm samples in an
asymptotically uniform way from the space of random graphs when
$d = O(n^{1 / 3 - \epsilon})$.


    If $n \times d$ is odd or $d$ is greater than or equal to $n$.

.. [1] A. Steger and N. Wormald,Gene<a href="https://www.jb51.cc/tag/rating/" target="_blank" class="keywords">rating</a> random regular graphs quickly,Probability and Computing 8 (1999),377-396,1999.
   http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/steger99gene<a href="https://www.jb51.cc/tag/rating/" target="_blank" class="keywords">rating</a>.html

.. [2] Jeong Han Kim and Van H. Vu,Gene<a href="https://www.jb51.cc/tag/rating/" target="_blank" class="keywords">rating</a> random regular graphs,Proceedings of the thirty-fifth ACM symposium on Theory of computing,San Diego,CA,USA,pp 213--222,2003.
if (n * d) % 2 != 0:
    raise nx.NetworkXError("n * d must be even")

if not 0 <= d < n:
    raise nx.NetworkXError("the 0 <= d < n inequality must be satisfied")

if d == 0:
    return empty_graph(n)

if seed is not None:

def _suitable(edges,potential_edges):
    # Helper subroutine to check if there are suitable edges remaining
    # If False,the generation of the graph has failed
    if not potential_edges:
        return True
    for s1 in potential_edges:
        for s2 in potential_edges:
            # Two iterators on the same dictionary are guaranteed
            # to visit it in the same order if there are no
            # intervening modifications.
            if s1 == s2:
                # Only need to consider s1-s2 pair one time
            if s1 > s2:
                s1,s2 = s2,s1
            if (s1,s2) not in edges:
                return True
    return False

def _try_creation():
    # Attempt to create an edge set

    edges = set()
    stubs = list(range(n)) * d

    while stubs:
        potential_edges = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
        stubiter = iter(stubs)
        for s1,s2 in zip(stubiter,stubiter):
            if s1 > s2:
            if s1 != s2 and ((s1,s2) not in edges):
                potential_edges[s1] += 1
                potential_edges[s2] += 1

        if not _suitable(edges,potential_edges):
            return None  # <a href="https://www.jb51.cc/tag/Failed/" target="_blank" class="keywords">Failed</a> to find suitable edge set

        stubs = [node for node,potential in potential_edges.items()
                 for _ in range(potential)]
    return edges

# Even though a suitable edge set exists,# the generation of such a set is not guaranteed.
# Try repeatedly to find one.
edges = _try_creation()
while edges is None:
    edges = _try_creation()

G = nx.Graph()

return G

def _random_subset(seq,m):
""" Return m unique elements from seq.

This differs from random.sample which can return repeated
elements if seq holds repeated elements.
targets = set()
while len(targets) < m:
    x = random.choice(seq)
return targets

def barabasi_albert_graph(n,seed=None):
"""Returns a random graph according to the Barabási–Albert preferential
attachment model.

A graph of $n$ nodes is grown by attaching new nodes each with $m$
edges that are preferentially attached to existing nodes with high degree.

n : int
    Number of nodes
m : int
    Number of edges to attach from a new node to existing nodes
seed : int,optional
    Seed for random number generator (default=None).

G : Graph

    If `m` does not satisfy ``1 <= m < n``.

.. [1] A. L. Barabási and R. Albert "Emergence of scaling in
   random networks",Science 286,pp 509-512,1999.

if m < 1 or m >= n:
    raise nx.NetworkXError("Barabási–Albert network must have m >= 1"
                           " and m < n,m = %d,n = %d" % (m,n))
if seed is not None:

# Add m initial nodes (m0 in barabasi-speak)
G = empty_graph(m)
# Target nodes for new edges
targets = list(range(m))
# List of existing nodes,with nodes repeated once for each adjacent edge
repeated_nodes = []
# Start adding the other n-m nodes. The first node is m.
source = m
while source < n:
    # Add edges to m nodes from the source.
    G.add_edges_from(zip([source] * m,targets))
    # Add one node to the list for each new edge just created.
    # And the new node "source" has m edges to add to the list.
    repeated_nodes.extend([source] * m)
    # <a href="https://www.jb51.cc/tag/Now/" target="_blank" class="keywords">Now</a> choose m unique nodes from the existing nodes
    # Pick uniformly from repeated_nodes (preferential attachement)
    targets = _random_subset(repeated_nodes,m)
    source += 1
return G

def extended_barabasi_albert_graph(n,q,seed=None):
"""Returns an extended Barabási–Albert model graph.

An extended Barabási–Albert model graph is a random graph constructed
using preferential attachment. The extended model allows new egdes,rewired edges or new nodes. Based on the probabilities $p$ and $q$
with $p + q < 1$,the growing behavior of the graph is deter<a href="https://www.jb51.cc/tag/mine/" target="_blank" class="keywords">mine</a>d as:

1) With $p$ probability,$m$ new edges are added to the graph,starting from randomly chosen existing nodes and attached preferentially at the other end.

2) With $q$ probability,$m$ existing edges are rewired
by randomly chosing an edge and rewiring one end to a preferentially chosen node.

3) With $(1 - p - q)$ probability,$m$ new nodes are added to the graph
with edges attached preferentially.

When $p = q = 0$,the model behaves just like the Barabási–Alber mo

n : int
    Number of nodes
m : int
    Number of edges with which a new node attaches to existing nodes
p : float
    Probability value for adding an edge between existing nodes. p + q < 1
q : float
    Probability value of rewiring of existing edges. p + q < 1
seed : int (optional,default: None)
    Seed for random number generator

G : Graph

    If `m` does not satisfy ``1 <= m < n`` or ``1 >= p + q``

.. [1] Albert,R.,&amp; Barabási,A. L. (2000)
   Topology of evolving networks: local events and universality
   Physical review letters,85(24),5234.
if m < 1 or m >= n:
    msg = "Extended Barabasi-Albert network needs m>=1 and m<n,m=%d,n=%d"
    raise nx.NetworkXError(msg % (m,n))
if p + q >= 1:
    msg = "Extended Barabasi-Albert network needs p + q <= 1,p=%d,q=%d"
    raise nx.NetworkXError(msg % (p,q))
if seed is not None:

# Add m initial nodes (m0 in barabasi-speak)
G = empty_graph(m)

# List of nodes to represent the preferential attachment random selection.
# At the creation of the graph,all nodes are added to the list
# so that even nodes that are not connected have a chance to get selected,# for rewiring and adding of edges.
# With each new edge,nodes at the ends of the edge are added to the list.
attachment_preference = []

# Start adding the other n-m nodes. The first node is m.
new_node = m
while new_node < n:
    a_probability = random.random()

    # Total number of edges of a Clique of all the nodes
    clique_degree = len(G) - 1
    clique_size = (len(G) * clique_degree) / 2

    # Adding m new edges,if there is room to add them
    if a_probability < p and G.size() <= clique_size - m:
        # Select the nodes where an edge can be added
        elligible_nodes = [nd for nd,deg in G.degree()
                           if deg < clique_degree]
        for i in range(m):
            # Choosing a random source node from elligible_nodes
            src_node = random.choice(elligible_nodes)

            # Picking a possible node that is not 'src_node' or
            # neighbor with 'src_node',with preferential attachment
            prohibited_nodes = list(G[src_node])
            # This will raise an exception if the sequence is empty
            dest_node = random.choice([nd for nd in attachment_preference
                                       if nd not in prohibited_nodes])
            # Adding the new edge

            # Appending both nodes to add to their preferential attachment

            # Adjusting the elligible nodes. Degree may be saturated.
            if G.degree(src_node) == clique_degree:
            if G.degree(dest_node) == clique_degree \
                    and dest_node in elligible_nodes:

    # Rewiring m edges,if there are enough edges
    elif p <= a_probability < (p + q) and m <= G.size() < clique_size:
        # Selecting nodes that have at least 1 edge but that are not
        # fully connected to ALL other nodes (center of star).
        # These nodes are the pivot nodes of the edges to rewire
        elligible_nodes = [nd for nd,deg in G.degree()
                           if 0 < deg < clique_degree]
        for i in range(m):
            # Choosing a random source node
            node = random.choice(elligible_nodes)

            # The available nodes do have a neighbor at least.
            neighbor_nodes = list(G[node])

            # Choosing the other end that will get dettached
            src_node = random.choice(neighbor_nodes)

            # Picking a target node that is not 'node' or
            # neighbor with 'node',with preferential attachment
            dest_node = random.choice([nd for nd in attachment_preference
                                       if nd not in neighbor_nodes])
            # Rewire

            # Adjusting the preferential attachment list

            # Adjusting the elligible nodes.
            # nodes may be saturated or isolated.
            if G.degree(src_node) == 0 and src_node in elligible_nodes:
            if dest_node in elligible_nodes:
                if G.degree(dest_node) == clique_degree:
                if G.degree(dest_node) == 1:

    # Adding new node with m edges
        # Select the edges' nodes by preferential attachment
        targets = _random_subset(attachment_preference,m)
        G.add_edges_from(zip([new_node] * m,targets))

        # Add one node to the list for each new edge just created.
        # The new node has m edges to it,plus itself: m + 1
        attachment_preference.extend([new_node] * (m + 1))
        new_node += 1
return G

def powerlaw_cluster_graph(n,seed=None):
"""Holme and Kim algorithm for growing graphs with powerlaw
degree distribution and approximate average clustering.

n : int
    the number of nodes
m : int
    the number of random edges to add for each new node
p : float,Probability of adding a triangle after adding a random edge
seed : int,optional
    Seed for random number generator (default=None).

The average clustering has a hard time getting above a certain
cutoff that depends on `m`.  This cutoff is often quite low.  The
transitivity (fraction of triangles to possible triangles) seems to
decrease with network size.

It is essentially the Barabási–Albert (BA) growth model with an
extra step that each random edge is followed by a chance of
making an edge to one of its neighbors too (and thus a triangle).

This algorithm improves on BA in the sense that it enables a
higher average clustering to be attained if desired.

It seems possible to have a disconnected graph with this algorithm
since the initial `m` nodes may not be all linked to a new node
on the first iteration like the BA model.

    If `m` does not satisfy ``1 <= m <= n`` or `p` does not
    satisfy ``0 <= p <= 1``.

.. [1] P. Holme and B. J. Kim,"Growing scale-free networks with tunable clustering",65,026107,2002.

if m < 1 or n < m:
    raise nx.NetworkXError(
        "NetworkXError must have m>1 and m<n,n=%d" % (m,n))

if p > 1 or p < 0:
    raise nx.NetworkXError(
        "NetworkXError p must be in [0,1],p=%f" % (p))
if seed is not None:

G = empty_graph(m)  # add m initial nodes (m0 in barabasi-speak)
repeated_nodes = list(G.nodes())  # list of existing nodes to sample from
# with nodes repeated once for each adjacent edge
source = m               # next node is m
while source < n:        # <a href="https://www.jb51.cc/tag/Now/" target="_blank" class="keywords">Now</a> add the other n-1 nodes
    possible_targets = _random_subset(repeated_nodes,m)
    # do one preferential attachment for new node
    target = possible_targets.pop()
    repeated_nodes.append(target)  # add one node to list for each new link
    count = 1
    while count < m:  # add m-1 more new links
        if random.random() < p:  # clustering step: add triangle
            neighborhood = [nbr for nbr in G.neighbors(target)
                            if not G.has_edge(source,nbr)
                            and not nbr == source]
            if neighborhood:  # if there is a neighbor without a link
                nbr = random.choice(neighborhood)
                G.add_edge(source,nbr)  # add triangle
                count = count + 1
                continue  # go to top of while loop
        # else do preferential attachment step if above fails
        target = possible_targets.pop()
        count = count + 1

    repeated_nodes.extend([source] * m)  # add source node to list m times
    source += 1
return G

def random_lobster(n,p1,p2,seed=None):
"""Returns a random lobster graph.

 A lobster is a tree that reduces to a caterpillar when pruning all
 leaf nodes. A caterpillar is a tree that reduces to a path graph
 when pruning all leaf nodes; setting `p2` to zero produces a caterpillar.

 n : int
     The expected number of nodes in the backbone
 p1 : float
     Probability of adding an edge to the backbone
 p2 : float
     Probability of adding an edge one level beyond backbone
 seed : int,optional
     Seed for random number generator (default=None).
# a necessary ingredient in any self-respecting graph library
if seed is not None:
llen = int(2 * random.random() * n + 0.5)
L = path_graph(llen)
# build caterpillar: add edges to path graph with probability p1
current_node = llen - 1
for n in range(llen):
    if random.random() < p1:  # add fuzzy caterpillar parts
        current_node += 1
        if random.random() < p2:  # add crunchy lobster bits
            current_node += 1
            L.add_edge(current_node - 1,current_node)
return L  # voila,un lobster!

def random_shell_graph(constructor,seed=None):
"""Returns a random shell graph for the constructor given.

constructor : list of three-tuples
    Represents the parameters for a shell,starting at the center
    shell.  Each element of the list must be of the form `(n,d)`,where `n` is the number of nodes in the shell,`m` is
    the number of edges in the shell,and `d` is the ratio of
    inter-shell (next) edges to intra-shell edges. If `d` is zero,there will be no intra-shell edges,and if `d` is one there
    will be all possible intra-shell edges.
seed : int,optional
    Seed for random number generator (default=None).

>>> constructor = [(10,20,0.8),(20,40,0.8)]
>>> G = nx.random_shell_graph(constructor)

G = empty_graph(0)

if seed is not None:

glist = []
intra_edges = []
nnodes = 0
# create gnm graphs for each shell
for (n,d) in constructor:
    inter_edges = int(m * d)
    intra_edges.append(m - inter_edges)
    g = nx.convert_node_labels_to_integers(
    nnodes += n
    G = nx.operators.union(G,g)

# connect the shells randomly
for gi in range(len(glist) - 1):
    nlist1 = list(glist[gi])
    nlist2 = list(glist[gi + 1])
    total_edges = intra_edges[gi]
    edge_count = 0
    while edge_count < total_edges:
        u = random.choice(nlist1)
        v = random.choice(nlist2)
        if u == v or G.has_edge(u,v):
            edge_count = edge_count + 1
return G

def random_powerlaw_tree(n,gamma=3,tries=100):
"""Returns a tree with a power law degree distribution.

n : int
    The number of nodes.
gamma : float
    Exponent of the power law.
seed : int,optional
    Seed for random number generator (default=None).
tries : int
    Number of attempts to adjust the sequence to make it a tree.

    If no valid sequence is found within the maximum number of

A trial power law degree sequence is chosen and then elements are
swapped with new elements from a powerlaw distribution until the
sequence makes a tree (by checking,for example,that the number of
edges is one smaller than the number of nodes).

# This call may raise a NetworkXError if the number of tries is succeeded.
seq = random_powerlaw_tree_sequence(n,gamma=gamma,seed=seed,tries=tries)
G = degree_sequence_tree(seq)
return G

def random_powerlaw_tree_sequence(n,tries=100):
"""Returns a degree sequence for a tree with a power law distribution.

n : int,The number of nodes.
gamma : float
    Exponent of the power law.
seed : int,optional
    Seed for random number generator (default=None).
tries : int
    Number of attempts to adjust the sequence to make it a tree.

    If no valid sequence is found within the maximum number of

A trial power law degree sequence is chosen and then elements are
swapped with new elements from a power law distribution until
the sequence makes a tree (by checking,that the number of
edges is one smaller than the number of nodes).

if seed is not None:

# get trial sequence
z = nx.utils.powerlaw_sequence(n,exponent=gamma)
# round to integer values in the range [0,n]
zseq = [min(n,max(int(round(s)),0)) for s in z]

# another sequence to swap values from
z = nx.utils.powerlaw_sequence(tries,n]
swap = [min(n,0)) for s in z]

for deg in swap:
    # If this degree sequence can be the degree sequence of a tree,return
    # it. It can be a tree if the number of edges is one fewer than the
    # number of nodes,or in other words,`n - sum(zseq) / 2 == 1`. We
    # use an equivalent condition below that avoids floating point
    # operations.
    if 2 * n - sum(zseq) == 2:
        return zseq
    index = random.randint(0,n - 1)
    zseq[index] = swap.pop()

raise nx.NetworkXError('Exceeded max (%d) attempts for a valid tree'
                       ' sequence.' % tries)

def random_kernel_graph(n,kernel_integral,kernel_root=None,seed=None):
r"""Return an random graph based on the specified kernel.

The algorithm chooses each of the $[n(n-1)]/2$ possible edges with
probability specified by a kernel $\kappa(x,y)$ [1]_.  The kernel
$\kappa(x,y)$ must be a symmetric (in $x,y$),non-negative,bounded function.

n : int
    The number of nodes
kernal_integral : function
    Function that returns the definite integral of the kernel $\kappa(x,y)$,$F(y,a,b) := \int_a^b \kappa(x,y)dx$
kernel_root: function (optional)
    Function that returns the root $b$ of the equation $F(y,b) = r$.
    If None,the root is found using :func:`scipy.optimize.brentq`
    (this requires SciPy).
seed : int,optional
    Seed for random number generator (default=None)

The kernel is specified through its definite integral which must be
provided as one of the arguments. If the integral and root of the
kernel integral can be found in $O(1)$ time then this algorithm runs in
time $O(n+m)$ where m is the expected number of edges [2]_.

The nodes are set to integers from $0$ to $n-1$.

Generate an Erd?s–Rényi random graph $G(n,c/n)$,with kernel
$\kappa(x,y)=c$ where $c$ is the mean expected degree.

>>> def integral(u,w,z):
...     return c * (z - w)
>>> def root(u,r):
...     return r / c + w
>>> c = 1
>>> graph = nx.random_kernel_graph(1000,integral,root)

See Also

.. [1] Bollobás,Béla,Janson,S. and Riordan,O.
   "The phase transition in inhomogeneous random graphs",*Random Structures Algorithms*,31,3--122,2007.

.. [2] Hagberg A,Lemons N (2015),"Fast Generation of Sparse Random Kernel Graphs".
   PLoS ONE 10(9): e0135177,2015. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0135177
if seed is not None:
if kernel_root is None:
    import scipy.optimize as optimize

    def kernel_root(y,r):
        def my_function(b):
            return kernel_integral(y,b) - r
        return optimize.brentq(my_function,1)
graph = nx.Graph()
(i,j) = (1,1)
while i < n:
    r = -math.log(1 - random.random())  # (1-random.random()) in (0,1]
    if kernel_integral(i / n,j / n,1) <= r:
        i,j = i + 1,i + 1
        j = int(math.ceil(n * kernel_root(i / n,r)))
        graph.add_edge(i - 1,j - 1)
return graph




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