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两种找出SAP UI Code List配置位置的小技巧

2022/1/2 13:00:32 架构 字数 4762 阅读 741 来源 https://www.iteye.com/blogs/category/architecture

两种找出SAP UI Code List配置位置的小技巧 Example: click F4 on ID Type field, in value help window there are several entries: ? ? we need to find the customizing in the backend where we could maintain more entries for the value list. Ap ... SAPC4CCloudCloudFoundrySAP成都研究院? JerryWang_SAP

Example: click F4 on ID Type field, in value help window there are several entries:



we need to find the customizing in the backend where we could maintain more entries for the value list.


click F2 on the field to figure out the technical information:



we know the value help is implemented in GET_V method, so double click on it:



The value help is implemented via callback class CL_CRM_UIU_BP_IDTYPE_1_F4:



Open the class method, we find the persistent table to store identification id information:



use where used list on the table, then we found the maintenance view:




we can directly use the search function in SPRO by clicking search button with search keyword “identification”:

There are lots of results however we could only check those in area “SAP Business Partner”. It is quite easy to find the correct one in this case:



Mark the search result, the target customizing activity will be automatically located.





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