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  • 如何处理SAP CRM Web Service错误 - Virtual Interface Method XXXX not supported

    576 wiki 2022-01-02
    如何处理SAP CRM Web Service错误 - Virtual Interface Method XXXX not supported Issue description The web service PROD_WS. Details could be found in this?blog. When consuming the web service via an ABAP program, the following error message is raised: ? ? This error could al ... SAPABAPWebClient UISAP云平台SAP Cloud Platform? JerryWang_SAP
    架构 SAPABAPWebClient UISAP云平台SAP Cloud Platform
  • 如何在SAP CRM WebClient UI里创建web service并使用ABAP消费

    736 wiki 2022-01-02
    如何在SAP CRM WebClient UI里创建web service并使用ABAP消费 In this blog I will create a web service which is exposed via Genil model PROD in CRM web client UI and consume it via a simple ABAP program. Create web service in CRM Webclient UI (1) log on CRM We ... abapcrmwebuiSAPSAP云平台? JerryWang_SAP
    架构 abapcrmwebuiSAPSAP云平台
  • 如何动态修改SAP CRM WebClient UI表格栏的宽度

    733 wiki 2022-01-02
    如何动态修改SAP CRM WebClient UI表格栏的宽度 Achievement By clicking down or up button, the table width could be changed dynamically - each time the button is clicked, the width increases or shrinks at 10 px interval. ? ? (1) Create a tabl ... SAPSAP云平台SAP Cloud PlatformCloudABAP? JerryWang_SAP
    架构 SAPSAP云平台SAP Cloud PlatformCloudABAP
  • 如何快速定位SAP CRM订单应用(Order Application)错误消息抛出的准确位置

    586 wiki 2022-01-02
    如何快速定位SAP CRM订单应用(Order Application)错误消息抛出的准确位置 In my blog?Six kinds of debugging tips?Fabian Geyer raised a very good point about the trouble during ERP Application trouble shooting. Let me just quote his good statement: “Several ERP applications ... SAPSAP云平台SAP Cloud PlatformCloudABAP? JerryWang_SAP
    架构 SAPSAP云平台SAP Cloud PlatformCloudABAP
  • SAP CRM Product simple search的启用步骤

    754 wiki 2022-01-02
    SAP CRM Product simple search的启用步骤 (1) Switch on business function CRM_SEARCH_1, which controls the business switch CRM_BP_SFWS_BP_SEARCH_2 which will be evaluated in the related code. (2) Assign the function profile SIMPLE_SEARCH_INT ... CRMSAPSAP云平台SAP Cloud PlatformCloud? JerryWang_SAP
    架构 CRMSAPSAP云平台SAP Cloud PlatformCloud
  • SAP CRM Advanced search和Simple search里Max hit表现行为的差异

    718 wiki 2022-01-02
    SAP CRM Advanced search和Simple search里Max hit表现行为的差异 We could observe the different behavior of search max hits in product advanced search and simple search. For Advanced search: if we maintain an invalid max hit number: ? ? the default 100 could a ... CRMSAPSAP云平台SAP Cloud PlatformCloud? JerryWang_SAP
    架构 CRMSAPSAP云平台SAP Cloud PlatformCloud
  • SAP CRM note创建按钮被禁用的原因分析

    763 wiki 2022-01-02
    SAP CRM note创建按钮被禁用的原因分析 Issue The creation button for note assignment block is disabled in overview page as below: ? ? First check the text Object assignment settings via customizing below: ? ? Figure out the text ... CRMABAPSAP云平台SAP Cloud PlatformCloud? JerryWang_SAP
    架构 CRMABAPSAP云平台SAP Cloud PlatformCloud
  • SAP CRM产品主数据ID的生成逻辑介绍

    748 wiki 2022-01-02
    SAP CRM产品主数据ID的生成逻辑介绍 You can choose to let the system determine the product ID automatically according to number range or you can choose to assign the product ID manually. a. If you would like to go with the number range ... SAPSAP云平台ABAPSAP Cloud PlatformCloud? JerryWang_SAP
    架构 SAPSAP云平台ABAPSAP Cloud PlatformCloud
  • 如何把一个ABAP视图添加到SAP GUI的收藏夹里

    759 wiki 2022-01-02
    如何把一个ABAP视图添加到SAP GUI的收藏夹里 The idea comes from Sougata Chatterjee’s anwser in this?thread: Suppose I need to add the maintenance view COMV_PARTNER_FCT to my favorite list. I expect once the entry in the favorite list is double ... SAPSAP云平台SAP Cloud PlatformABAPCloud? JerryWang_SAP
    架构 SAPSAP云平台SAP Cloud PlatformABAPCloud
  • DDD模型心得整理-子域分解以及不同子域的处理方式

    1304 wiki 2022-01-02
    DDD模型心得整理-子域分解以及不同子域的处理方式 理解问题域有如下方式: 理解意图,沟通过程中,不能停留在表面,要抽象出领域的痛点, 个人理解,核心围绕问题有几个 1)现有问题是什么。 2)达成目的是什么。 3)需要重点关注那几部分。 关注数据流向:这个数据要从哪里来-如何转换-如何输出。永远都是时刻关注的话题 总体处理方式: 1)提炼分解大问题域,可将大问题域拆分成核心域,支撑域,通用域,不同域所分配精力不同 核心域:使用最好 ... DDD 设计模式 架构? nijianguo1989
    架构 DDD 设计模式 架构
  • SAP WebClient UI component模型元数据解析工具

    788 wiki 2022-01-02
    SAP WebClient UI component模型元数据解析工具 I use the issue in this?blog?to demonstrate the usage of this small repository parse tool: We need to know under which enhancement set the component usage “ZCUSTOM” is added to UI component BT116H_SRV ... sapcrmwebuiABAPSAP云平台? JerryWang_SAP
    架构 sapcrmwebuiABAPSAP云平台
  • 引起SAP WebClient UI页面出现超时(time out)错误的另一个原因

    591 wiki 2022-01-02
    引起SAP WebClient UI页面出现超时(time out)错误的另一个原因 Sometimes you would see the following page if you are clicking anywhere in a page which is idle for quite a long time. ? ? However, there are definitely some other causes which would also lead to ... SAPWebClient UICRMSAP云平台ABAP? JerryWang_SAP
    架构 SAPWebClient UICRMSAP云平台ABAP
  • 动态隐藏某些特殊类型的SAP CRM附件

    738 wiki 2022-01-02
    动态隐藏某些特殊类型的SAP CRM附件 Requirement Only?simple text file?as attachment could be visible for some users but should be completely hidden for other users?without enough authorizations. The requirement could be fulfilled via B ... crmSAPSAP云平台SAP Cloud PlatformSAP成都研究院? JerryWang_SAP
    架构 crmSAPSAP云平台SAP Cloud PlatformSAP成都研究院
  • 如何用代码动态生成ABAP类型

    757 wiki 2022-01-02
    如何用代码动态生成ABAP类型 In one of my project the data type of the variable to hold service consumption result is not known in design time so I have to generate the data type dynamically via code, using ABAP RTTC( runtime typ ... CRMABAPSAP云平台SAP Cloud PlatformCloud? JerryWang_SAP
    架构 CRMABAPSAP云平台SAP Cloud PlatformCloud
  • SAP CRM附件模型的Authorization scope原理介绍

    747 wiki 2022-01-02
    SAP CRM附件模型的Authorization scope原理介绍 Requirement when you create new attachments in attachment assignment block, you can assign an authorization scope to the attachment. It is expected to know where in the backend the authorization scop ... sapcrmSAP云平台SAP Cloud PlatformCloud? JerryWang_SAP
    架构 sapcrmSAP云平台SAP Cloud PlatformCloud
  • 如何自行分析SAP WebClient UI开发环境里抛出的错误消息根源

    624 wiki 2022-01-02
    如何自行分析SAP WebClient UI开发环境里抛出的错误消息根源 In this blog I will demonstrate how I resolve the error message “endless binding loop” raised by UI workbench. I would not emphasize the issue itself, but would rather share with you how I would deal ... SAPCRMWebClient UISAP云平台SAP Cloud Platform? JerryWang_SAP
    架构 SAPCRMWebClient UISAP云平台SAP Cloud Platform
  • 使用ABAP代码生成二维码(QR Code)

    711 wiki 2022-01-02
    使用ABAP代码生成二维码(QR Code) Previously we have discussed how to generate QRcode with SAP standard functionality: (1)?Generate QRcode with ABAP Webdynpro?(2)?Generate QRcode with ABAP Code plus Adobe form template Both solution ... abapcloudSAPSAP云平台SAP Cloud Platform? JerryWang_SAP
    架构 abapcloudSAPSAP云平台SAP Cloud Platform
  • 什么是SAP CRM里的用户状态(user status)

    740 wiki 2022-01-02
    什么是SAP CRM里的用户状态(user status) Created by Jerry Wang on Feb 19, 2016 (1) define a new user status profile in customizing below: ? ? (2) maintain the status transition relationship. The example below defines the following stat ... SAPC4CCloudCDS viewCloudFoundry? JerryWang_SAP
    架构 SAPC4CCloudCDS viewCloudFoundry
  • 关于SAP CRM产品主数据创建页面上的产品类别显示逻辑分析

    741 wiki 2022-01-02
    关于SAP CRM产品主数据创建页面上的产品类别显示逻辑分析 Issue: When creating a new product, only a subset of product categories could be listed in category search result. ? ? For example, only categories which belong to hierarchy R3PRODSTYP are listed ... CRMSAPSAP云平台SAP Cloud PlatformSAP成都研究院? JerryWang_SAP
    架构 CRMSAPSAP云平台SAP Cloud PlatformSAP成都研究院
  • SAP CRM calculated字段的实现原理讲解

    729 wiki 2022-01-02
    SAP CRM calculated字段的实现原理讲解 Issue: When creating a new product, only a subset of product categories could be listed in category search result. ? ? For example, only categories which belong to hierarchy R3PRODSTYP are listed ... SAPCRMSAP云平台SAP Cloud PlatformSAP成都研究院? JerryWang_SAP
    架构 SAPCRMSAP云平台SAP Cloud PlatformSAP成都研究院
