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  • SAP ABAP CGLIB(Code Generation Library)的模拟实现

    599 wiki 2022-01-02
    SAP ABAP CGLIB(Code Generation Library)的模拟实现 What is?CGLIB? A Byte Code Generation Library which is high level API to generate and transform Java byte code. It is used in various scenarios such as AOP, testing, data access frameworks to generat ... ABAPSAPSAP云平台SAP Cloud PlatformCloud? JerryWang_SAP
    架构 ABAPSAPSAP云平台SAP Cloud PlatformCloud
  • 如何监听SAP CRM BOR事件

    620 wiki 2022-01-02
    如何监听SAP CRM BOR事件 In tcode SWO1 we can find for example business object BUS1178 has defined several events. ? ? When you create a new product and save it from WebClient UI, this BOR type will be raised in the foll ... ABAPSAPSAP云平台SAP Cloud PlatformSAP成都研究院? JerryWang_SAP
    架构 ABAPSAPSAP云平台SAP Cloud PlatformSAP成都研究院
  • 开源OA办公平台搭建教程:O2OA+Arduino实现物联网应用(一)

    1444 wiki 2022-01-02
    开源OA办公平台搭建教程:O2OA+Arduino实现物联网应用(一) O2OA平台是一个企业办公类系统的低代码开发平台,更够方便的开发和部署协同办公、流程管理等应用,但它能做的远不止这些,今天这个案例就为大家介绍一下,O2OA可以做的更多。 ? ? ? 最近对养鱼产生了浓厚的兴趣,于是在办公室搞了一缸金鱼。由于周末、放假、出差等情况,就没法天天照料,换水、灯光控制、喂食、温度控制等就有了问题。 ? ? ? 于是考虑使用我们的O2OA平台作为控制中 ... OA企业架构企业协同二次开发开源软件? liyihz2008
    架构 OA企业架构企业协同二次开发开源软件
  • 如何避免SAP订单保存后生成的中间件CSA inbound queue

    626 wiki 2022-01-02
    如何避免SAP订单保存后生成的中间件CSA inbound queue By default after a service order is saved, there is a distribution lock set, which prevents you from editing this order in status transferring. Click edit button you will meet with error message below ... sapSAP云平台SAP Cloud PlatformSAP成都研究院ABAP? JerryWang_SAP
    架构 sapSAP云平台SAP Cloud PlatformSAP成都研究院ABAP
  • SAP CRM Service order 的distribution lock和status profile

    615 wiki 2022-01-02
    SAP CRM Service order 的distribution lock和status profile I would like to share an investigation done today regarding distribution lock in Service Order. My colleague observed that if there is no status profile maintained for Service Order transaction type ... SAPSAP云平台SAP Cloud PlatformSAP成都研究院CRM? JerryWang_SAP
    架构 SAPSAP云平台SAP Cloud PlatformSAP成都研究院CRM
  • SAP CRM Application Extension Tool类型为Code List的扩展字段实现原理

    660 wiki 2022-01-02
    SAP CRM Application Extension Tool类型为Code List的扩展字段实现原理 When you create extension field via Application Extension Tool, it seems the code list ( or drop down list ) is not supported by this tool. This type does not appear in supported data type list. ? ... SAPSAP云平台SAP Cloud PlatformSAP成都研究院Cloud? JerryWang_SAP
    架构 SAPSAP云平台SAP Cloud PlatformSAP成都研究院Cloud
  • SAP CRM Application Extension Tool的Custom Behavior

    621 wiki 2022-01-02
    SAP CRM Application Extension Tool的Custom Behavior In this blog?Insight into calculated fields created by AET I introduce one approach to define your extension field with your specific logic via calculated field supported in CRM Application Extension ... CRMSAPSAP云平台SAP Cloud PlatformSAP成都研究院? JerryWang_SAP
    架构 CRMSAPSAP云平台SAP Cloud PlatformSAP成都研究院
  • 使用Chrome开发者工具分析JavaScript garbage collector(垃圾回收器)的实现原理

    625 wiki 2022-01-02
    使用Chrome开发者工具分析JavaScript garbage collector(垃圾回收器)的实现原理 I use the following simple JavaScript code to illustrate: var JerryTestArray = []; (function(){ for( var i = 0; i < 100; i++){ JerryTestArray[i] = document.createElement("d ... chromeSAPSAP云平台SAP Cloud PlatformSAP成都研究院? JerryWang_SAP
    架构 chromeSAPSAP云平台SAP Cloud PlatformSAP成都研究院
  • 使用Chrome开发者工具分析JavaScript garbage collector(垃圾回收器)

    651 wiki 2022-01-02
    使用Chrome开发者工具分析JavaScript garbage collector(垃圾回收器) I use the following simple JavaScript code to illustrate: var JerryTestArray = []; (function(){ for( var i = 0; i < 100; i++){ JerryTestArray[i] = document.createElement("d ... SAPC4CCloudCDS viewCloudFoundry? JerryWang_SAP
    架构 SAPC4CCloudCDS viewCloudFoundry
  • SpringCloud+SpringBoot2+Mybatis+Oauth2 快速开发平台 分布式微服务架构源码

    1252 wiki 2022-01-02
    SpringCloud+SpringBoot2+Mybatis+Oauth2 快速开发平台 分布式微服务架构源码 1. 鸿鹄Cloud架构清单 2. Commonservice(通用服务) 通用服务:对spring Cloud组件的使用&封装,是一套完整的针对于分布式微服务云架构的解决方案。如:注册中心、配置中心、网关中心、监控中心、认证中心、用户中心、日志中心、文件中心、消息中心、分布式ID、链路追踪、聚合发送等。 清单列表 springcloud架构? springcloud关注者
    架构 springcloud架构
  • SAP CDS view自学教程之十:SAP CDS view扩展性(Extensibility)实现原理

    671 wiki 2022-01-02
    SAP CDS view自学教程之十:SAP CDS view扩展性(Extensibility)实现原理 目录 Part1 –?how to test odata service generated by CDS view Part2 –?what objects are automatically generate after you activate one CDS view Part3 –?how is view source in Eclipse converted to ABAP ... SAPSAP云平台SAP Cloud PlatformSAP成都研究院Cloud? JerryWang_SAP
    架构 SAPSAP云平台SAP Cloud PlatformSAP成都研究院Cloud
  • SAP cross distribution chain status在Fiori应用中的draft handling

    666 wiki 2022-01-02
    SAP cross distribution chain status在Fiori应用中的draft handling The explanation why draft handling is necessary in Fiori application could be found from?Fiori Design Guideline. In this blog, I will use the update of field “cross distribution chain status” in S4 P ... SAPCRMSAP云平台SAP Cloud PlatformSAP成都研究院? JerryWang_SAP
    架构 SAPCRMSAP云平台SAP Cloud PlatformSAP成都研究院
  • 开源OA办公平台搭建教程:O2OA+Arduino实现物联网应用(二)

    656 wiki 2022-01-02
    开源OA办公平台搭建教程:O2OA+Arduino实现物联网应用(二) O2OA平台搭建 O2OA的开发环境非常简单,安装服务器后即可通过浏览器进行开发了和使用。具体可参考文档库中的其他文档,有比较详细的介绍,这里就 ... OA办公系统物联网平台搭建二次开发? liyihz2008
    架构 OA办公系统物联网平台搭建二次开发
  • 使用JDK工具jmap和jhat监控Java进程

    655 wiki 2022-01-02
    使用JDK工具jmap和jhat监控Java进程 Suppose you have a running Java process and you would like to inspect its running status, for example how many object instance are created or memory consumption status, you can use some standard tool ... javaJdkSAPSAP云平台SAP Cloud Platform? JerryWang_SAP
    架构 javaJdkSAPSAP云平台SAP Cloud Platform
  • 在S/4HANA扩展字段的Available Fields列表里,看不到自己创建的扩展字段该怎么办

    637 wiki 2022-01-02
    在S/4HANA扩展字段的Available Fields列表里,看不到自己创建的扩展字段该怎么办 I have created one extension field on Business context “Product Master General” in tile “Custom Field and Logic” and publish it: ? ? After that when I try to add it to Basic Data block of Product ... SAPSAP云平台SAP Cloud PlatformSAP成都研究院Cloud? JerryWang_SAP
    架构 SAPSAP云平台SAP Cloud PlatformSAP成都研究院Cloud
  • O2OA平台新应用:腾讯企业邮箱集成OA

    1335 wiki 2022-01-02
    O2OA平台新应用:腾讯企业邮箱集成OA 互联网的演进,伴随着企业的信息化发展,推动了OA办公系统的普及。而OA办公系统也确实不负众望,在企业管理的方面发挥了很大的作用,除了自动? ... OAOA软件邮箱腾讯二次开发? liyihz2008
    架构 OAOA软件邮箱腾讯二次开发
  • Java注解@Cacheable的工作原理

    645 wiki 2022-01-02
    Java注解@Cacheable的工作原理 In order to avoid unnecessary query on database it is a common pattern to define a cache in application layer to cache the query result from database. See one example below. Here the application cache ... sapC4CCloudCDS viewCloudFoundry? JerryWang_SAP
    架构 Java@cacheSAPSAP云平台SAP Cloud Platform
  • springMVC+spring 切换springBoot2 注意事项

    636 wiki 2022-01-02
    springMVC+spring 切换springBoot2 注意事项 1.web.xml 迁移 ? ?filter迁移 ? ?? /** * 注册filter * * @return */ @Bean public FilterRegistrationBean filterRegistrationBean() { FilterRegistrationBean authenticationFilterbean = new ... springJBoss企业应用? lsh2366254
    架构 springJBoss企业应用
  • 使用SAP XIF Adapter发送IDoc数据

    665 wiki 2022-01-02
    使用SAP XIF Adapter发送IDoc数据 In this blog, I will use File as external receiver. Scenario overview I make some changes on business partner / product master data in CRM. The data in the mBDoc will be converted in XIF adapter in ... SAPSAP云平台SAP Cloud PlatformCRMABAP? JerryWang_SAP
    架构 SAPSAP云平台SAP Cloud PlatformCRMABAP
  • SAP CRM Application Extension Tool(AET)扩展字段的渲染原理

    618 wiki 2022-01-02
    SAP CRM Application Extension Tool(AET)扩展字段的渲染原理 Recently I am doing an S4 project and I have to figure out how extension fields created by S4 extension tool is rendered in Fiori UI. It turns out that when end users add extension field in S4 Fiori U ... SAPCloudCDS viewCloudFoundryABAP? JerryWang_SAP
    架构 SAPCloudCDS viewCloudFoundryABAP
