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如何预处理“大数据” tsv文件并将其加载到python数据框中?

如何预处理“大数据” tsv文件并将其加载到python数据框中?

$ cat > pandas.awk BEGIN { PROCINFO[“sorted_in”]=”@ind_str_asc” # traversal order for for(i in a) } NR==1 { # the header cols is in the beginning of data file # FORGET THIS: header cols from another file replace NR==1 with NR==FNR and see * below split($0,a,” “) # mkheader a[1]=first_col … for(i in a) { # replace with a[first_col]=”” … a[a[i]] printf “%6s%s”, a[i], OFS # output the header delete a[i] # remove a[1], a[2], … } # next # FORGET THIS * next here if cols from another file UNTESTED } { gsub(/: /,”=”) # replace key-value separator “: ” with “=” split($0,b,FS) # split record from “,” for(i in b) { split(b[i],c,”=”) # split key=value to c[1]=key, c[2]=value b[c[1]]=c[2] # b[key]=value } for(i in a) # go thru headers in a[] and printf from b[] printf “%6s%s”, (i in b?b[i]:”NaN”), OFS; print “” }


Col_01 Col_20 Col_21 Col_22 Col_23 Col_25
Col_01: 14  Col_20: 25    Col_21: 23432    Col_22: 639142
Col_01: 8   Col_20: 25    Col_22: 25134    Col_23: 243344
Col_01: 17  Col_21: 75    Col_23: 79876    Col_25: 634534    Col_22: 5    Col_24: 73453
Col_01: 19  Col_20: 25    Col_21: 32425    Col_23: 989423
Col_01: 12  Col_20: 25    Col_21: 23424    Col_22: 342421    Col_23: 7    Col_24: 13424    Col_25: 67
Col_01: 3   Col_20: 95    Col_21: 32121    Col_25: 111231

$ awk -f pandas.awk -pandas.txt
Col_01 Col_20 Col_21 Col_22 Col_23 Col_25
    14     25  23432 639142    NaN    NaN 
     8     25    NaN  25134 243344    NaN 
    17    NaN     75      5  79876 634534 
    19     25  32425    NaN 989423    NaN 
    12     25  23424 342421      7     67 
     3     95  32121    NaN    NaN 111231



$ awk -F pandas.awk cols.txt pandas.txt
python 2022/1/1 18:27:17 有403人围观







