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python multiprocessing:某些函数完成后不返回(队列内容太大)

python multiprocessing:某些函数完成后不返回(队列内容太大)


编辑(2014年9月; 2017年11月更新:为了可读性而重写):我正在使用自那时以来所做的增强功能更新代码。新代码功能相同,但功能更好)在此处:https ://gitlab.com/cpbl/cpblUtilities/blob/master/parallel.py


def runFunctionsInParallel(*args, **kwargs):
    """ This is the main/only interface to class cRunFunctionsInParallel. See its documentation for arguments.
    return cRunFunctionsInParallel(*args, **kwargs).launch_jobs()

class cRunFunctionsInParallel():
    """Run any list of functions, each with any arguments and keyword-arguments, in parallel.
The functions/jobs should return (if anything) pickleable results. In order to avoid processes getting stuck due to the output queues overflowing, the queues are regularly collected and emptied.
You can Now pass os.system or etc to this as the function, in order to parallelize at the OS level, with no need for a wrapper: I made use of hasattr(builtinfunction,'func_name') to check for a name.
listOf_FuncAndArgLists : a list of lists 
    List of up-to-three-element-lists, like [function, args, kwargs],
    specifying the set of functions to be launched in parallel.  If an
    element is just a function, rather than a list, then it is assumed
    to have no arguments or keyword arguments. Thus, possible formats
    for elements of the outer list are:
      [function, list]
      [function, list, dict]
kwargs: dict
    One can also supply the kwargs once, for all jobs (or for those
    without their own non-empty kwargs specified in the list)
names: an optional list of names to identify the processes.
    If omitted, the function name is used, so if all the functions are
    the same (ie merely with different arguments), then they would be
    named indistinguishably
offsetsSeconds: int or list of ints
    delay some functions' start times
expectNonzeroExit: True/False
    Normal behavIoUr is to not proceed if any function exits with a
    Failed exit code. This can be used to override this behavIoUr.
parallel: True/False
    Whenever the list of functions is longer than one, functions will
    be run in parallel unless this parameter is passed as False
maxAtOnce: int
    If nonzero, this limits how many jobs will be allowed to run at
    once.  By default, this is set according to how many processors
    the hardware has available.
showFinished : int
    Specifies the maximum number of successfully finished jobs to show
    in the text interface (before the last report, which should always
    show them all).
Returns a tuple of (return codes, return values), each a list in order of the jobs provided.
Only tested on POSIX OSes.
See the testParallel() method in this module
python 2022/1/1 18:42:09 有268人围观







