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def C(i, coins, cdict = None):
    if cdict == None:
        cdict = {}
    if i <= 0:
        cdict[i] = 0
        return cdict[i]
    elif i in cdict:
        return cdict[i]
    elif i in coins:
        cdict[i] = 1
        return cdict[i]
        min = 0
        for cj in coins:
            result = C(i - cj, coins)
            if result != 0:
                if min == 0 or (result + 1) < min:
                    min = 1 + result
        cdict[i] = min
        return cdict[i]


def get_min_coin_configuration(sum = None, coins = None):
if sum in coins: # if sum in coins, nothing to do but return.
    return [sum]
elif max(coins) > sum: # if the largest coin is greater then the sum, there's nothing we can do.
    return None
else: # check for each coin, keep track of the minimun configuration, then return it.
    min_length = None
    min_configuration = None
    for coin in coins:
        results = get_min_coin_configuration(sum = sum - coin, coins = coins)
        if results != None:
            if min_length == None or (1 + len(results)) < len(min_configuration):
                min_configuration = [coin] + results
                min_length = len(min_configuration)
    return min_configuration


def get_min_coin_configuration(sum = None, coins = None, cache = None):
if cache == None: # this is quite crucial if its in the deFinition its presistent ...
    cache = {}
if sum in cache:
    return cache[sum]
elif sum in coins: # if sum in coins, nothing to do but return.
    cache[sum] = [sum]
    return cache[sum]
elif max(coins) > sum: # if the largest coin is greater then the sum, there's nothing we can do.
    cache[sum] = None
    return cache[sum]
else: # check for each coin, keep track of the minimun configuration, then return it.
    min_length = None
    min_configuration = None
    for coin in coins:
        results = get_min_coin_configuration(sum = sum - coin, coins = coins, cache = cache)
        if results != None:
            if min_length == None or (1 + len(results)) < len(min_configuration):
                min_configuration = [coin] + results
                min_length = len(min_configuration)
    cache[sum] = min_configuration
    return cache[sum]


assert all([ get_min_coin_configuration(**test[0]) == test[1] for test in
[({'sum':25,  'coins':[1, 5, 10]}, [5, 10, 10]),
 ({'sum':153, 'coins':[1, 5, 10, 50]}, [1, 1, 1, 50, 50, 50]),
 ({'sum':100, 'coins':[1, 5, 10, 25]}, [25, 25, 25, 25]),
 ({'sum':123, 'coins':[5, 10, 25]}, None),
 ({'sum':100, 'coins':[1,5,25,100]}, [100])] ])


import random
random_sum = random.randint(10**3, 10**4)
result = get_min_coin_configuration(sum = random_sum, coins = random.sample(range(10**3), 200))
assert sum(result) == random_sum




def get_min_coin_configuration(total_sum, coins, cache=None):  # shadowing python built-ins is frowned upon.
    # assert(all(c > 0 for c in coins)) Assuming all coins are > 0
    if cache is None:  # initialize cache.
        cache = {}
    if total_sum in cache:  # check cache, for prevIoUsly discovered solution.
        return cache[total_sum]
    elif total_sum in coins:  # check if total_sum is one of the coins.
        cache[total_sum] = [total_sum]
        return [total_sum]
    elif min(coins) > total_sum:  # check feasibility, if min(coins) > total_sum
        cache[total_sum] = []     # no combination of coins will yield solution as per our assumption (all +).
        return []
        min_configuration = []  # default solution if none found.
        for coin in coins:  # iterate over all coins, check which one will yield the smallest combination.
            results = get_min_coin_configuration(total_sum - coin, coins, cache=cache)  # recursively search.
            if results and (not min_configuration or (1 + len(results)) < len(min_configuration)):  # check if better.
                min_configuration = [coin] + results
        cache[total_sum] = min_configuration  # save this solution, for future calculations.
    return cache[total_sum]

assert all([ get_min_coin_configuration(**test[0]) == test[1] for test in
             [({'total_sum':25,  'coins':[1, 5, 10]}, [5, 10, 10]),
              ({'total_sum':153, 'coins':[1, 5, 10, 50]}, [1, 1, 1, 50, 50, 50]),
              ({'total_sum':100, 'coins':[1, 5, 10, 25]}, [25, 25, 25, 25]),
              ({'total_sum':123, 'coins':[5, 10, 25]}, []),
              ({'total_sum':100, 'coins':[1,5,25,100]}, [100])] ])
python 2022/1/1 18:15:18 有557人围观







