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始终遵循 ”的规则(尽管现代技术会为您提供清洁方面的帮助)。

[Python 3.5]:ctypes- Python的外部函数库包含许多有用的信息,应该成为您的朋友。

ctypes 使用 dlopen whel加载 .dll 。正如我注意到的那样,它 调用相应的 dlclose, 这意味着.dll (以及 .dll )将保留在内存中,直到进程终止(或直到??明确卸载)为止。


如果 文件 指定的对象具有其他共享库的依赖关系,则动态链接程序也会使用相同的规则自动加载这些共享库。(如果这些对象又具有依赖关系,则该过程可能会递归发生,依此类推。) … 如果使用 再次加载相同的共享对象,则返回相同的对象句柄。动态连接器保持参考计数对象句柄,因此一个动态加载共享对象不释放直到 被调用在其上多次 成功就可以了。任何初始化返回(见下文)仅被调用一次。

因此,我认为您不会有问题(当然,一切都取决于上下文)。如您所见,多次加载一个库实际上并不会每次都加载,因此内存不足的机会非常小(除非您加载大量不同的.dll ,每个 .dll 都有很多不同的依赖项)。

一种情况下,我能想到的是加载一个 .dll文件 ,它使用一个符号从另一个 .dll文件 。如果符号在另一个(也定义 ) .DLL ,这是之前加载,则代码将表现与预期不同。

无论如何,您可以手动卸载(或更好:减少其 refcount一个 .dll (我不确定这是否适合 建议的方式最佳做法 ),如下面的示例所示。


#include <stdio.h>

int test() {
    printf("[%s] (%d) - [%s]\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
    return 0;


import sys
from ctypes import CDLL, \
    c_int, c_void_p

DLL = "./dll.so"

dlclose_func = CDLL(None).dlclose  # This WON'T work on Win
dlclose_func.argtypes = [c_void_p]

def _load_dll(dll_name):
    dll_dll = CDLL(dll_name)
    return dll_dll

def _load_test_func(dll):
    test_func = dll.test
    test_func.restype = c_int
    return test_func

def main():
    print("Loading a dll via `ctypes`, then delete the object. The dll is not unloaded. Call `dlclose` to unload. A 2nd call will fail.")
    dll_dll = _load_dll(DLL)
    dll_handle = dll_dll._handle
    del dll_dll
    print("{:} returned {:d}".format(dlclose_func.__name__, dlclose_func(dll_handle)))  # Even if the ctypes dll object was destroyed, the dll wasn't unloaded
    print("{:} returned {:d}".format(dlclose_func.__name__, dlclose_func(dll_handle)))  # A new dlclose call will fail

    print("\nUse `ctypes` to load the dll twice. The dll is not actually loaded only the 1st time (both have the same handle), but its ref count is increased. `dlclose` must be also called twice.")
    dll0_dll = _load_dll(DLL)
    dll1_dll = _load_dll(DLL)
    print("{:} returned {:d}".format(dlclose_func.__name__, dlclose_func(dll0_dll._handle)))
    print("{:} returned {:d}".format(dlclose_func.__name__, dlclose_func(dll1_dll._handle)))
    print("{:} returned {:d}".format(dlclose_func.__name__, dlclose_func(dll1_dll._handle)))

    print("\nLoad a dll via `ctypes`, and load one of its funcs. Try calling it before and after unloading the dll.")
    dll_dll = _load_dll(DLL)
    test_func = _load_test_func(dll_dll)
    print("{:} returned {:d}".format(test_func.__name__, test_func()))
    print("{:} returned {:d}".format(dlclose_func.__name__, dlclose_func(dll_dll._handle)))
    print("{:} returned {:d}".format(test_func.__name__, test_func()))  # Comment this line as it would segfault !!!

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print("Python {:s} on {:s}\n".format(sys.version, sys.platform))

[cfati@cfati-ubtu16x64-0:~/Work/Dev/StackOverflow/q052179325]> ls
code.py  dll.c
[cfati@cfati-ubtu16x64-0:~/Work/Dev/StackOverflow/q052179325]> gcc -fPIC

-shared -o dll.so dll.c [cfati@cfati-ubtu16x64-0:~/Work/Dev/StackOverflow/q052179325]> python3 ./code.py Python 3.5.2 (default, Nov 23 2017, 16:37:01) [GCC 5.4.0 20160609] on linux

Loading a dll via `ctypes`, then delete the object. The dll is not

unloaded. Call dlclose to unload. A 2nd call will fail. dlclose returned 0 dlclose returned -1

Use `ctypes` to load the dll twice. The dll is not actually loaded only

the 1st time (both have the same handle), but its ref count is increased.dlclose must be also called twice. dlclose returned 0 dlclose returned 0 dlclose returned -1

Load a dll via `ctypes`, and load one of its funcs. Try calling it

before and after unloading the dll. [dll.c] (5) - [test] test returned 0 dlclose returned 0 Segmentation fault (core dumped)

其他 2022/1/1 18:28:17 有562人围观







